• I am just putting the final touches on an experimentation with Denis de Bernardya€?s Semiologic theme and CMS atop WordPress implementing the Ruthsarian Skidoo Too 3 column Layout

    I have tested it in Firefox 1.0.4, Opera 7.1.1 and IE 6 I would sure appreciate any comments, suggestions, critiques about how it renders in any other browsers. Please try the font changing. I am using an IE filter to achieve max-width.

    The site is at cjwebwork.com the first post Hello World has the common styles. Thanks for taking a look.


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  • I love the structure and layout. Very easy on the eyes and easy to read. Not real crazy about having images in header and footer, but it seems that a lot of people like them. Nothing against your choice of images, they are quite nice, I just personally don’t care for pictures in the header.

    Looks super cool! ??

    I like it, and even without the picture I think it would have a very log cabiny feel to it. I don’t like the image in the footer either, other than that, good work.

    I like the image in the footer! I think you’ve done up a beautiful rendering of Semiologic.

    Some problems: In Mac Safari the calendar overlaps the right border. See here:

    It looks beautiful in Mac Firefox but is completely borked in Mac Explorer–it’s as if the style sheet didn’t load.

    Good looking theme. Kinda makes me want to move up into the mountains. The image is large, but still seemed to load in a reasonable amount of time with a dial up connection. Nice, clean layout and good choice of colors. You can almost smell the pine trees.

    I don’t mind the footer pic, but I don’t like that it isn’t actually at the bottom. I don’t like the big gray section underneath it. I would move the button thing onto the grass myself and get rid of that gray. I also don’t think all those peachy colors match the images very well, altho they are nice colors otherwise.

    Just a reminder. All reviews of this nature are handled in the Your WordPress section of this forum. If such requests are posted outside of that section, they may not be reviewed.


    Thread Starter phpneophyte


    Ouch! Sorry about that, I saw “Themes and Templates a€?? XHTML and CSS” and was looking for flaws and critiques. “Your WordPress a€?? Strut your stuff.” seems to suggest promoting one’s site. I wasn’t trying to “strut” anything LOL (truth is, I never saw the category… didn’t scroll down that far)!

    maybe “Themes and Templates a€?? XHTML / CSS How To?”

    No probs, now I know.


    Thread Starter phpneophyte


    RosieMBanks : I sent you an e-mail from your form on your site. I removed the filter-out IE MAC and reduced the padding around the TDs in the calendar form, does that fix the overlap in Mac Safari?

    Does it render now in Mac Explorer? Thanks.

    Thanks to the rest who offered opinions on the aesthetics of the layout.. which I now know should have been posted in the “Your WordPress” section of this forum.

    [EDIT] after hearing back from RosieMBanks ;

    OUCH! MAC IE doesn’t float the search thingy and shows a background on the admin link across the top and doesn’t respect the max width that I was able to make IE Win respect. I screened MAC IE out again for now until I get that figured out. Safari shows it how Opera does so that is decent. Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it.


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