Critical security issue when using Shortcode method with Ajax
I found two issues with the handling of the [passster]…[/passster] shortcode when only a password is set (no “full” or “area” in use) and Ajax is enabled. The problems are with the regex used to find the shortcode within the post content in PS_Helper::get_shortcode_content():
'/\\[passster+.*.".*' . $password . '.*".*?[\\]]/'
1. The .* flanking the $password variable allow any substring of the shortcode’s password–or even no password at all!–to pass. For example, if you used the shortcode:
[passster password="TestPassword"]Password-protected content.[/passster]
password inputs like “Test”, “Pass”, “word”, “or”, “s”, or even an empty input would pass.
2. This regex also consumes third-party shortcodes within the Passster shortcode, even if they’ve been added to the list of allowed third-party shortcodes in the Passster options. For example, the shortcode:
[passster password="TestPassword"]Password-protected content. [gravityform id="1" title="false" description="false" ajax="true"] Even more password-protected content![/passster]
outputs the following:
Even more password-protected content!
And due to the ‘ajax=”true”‘ bit at the end of the Gravity Forms shortcode, the regex intended for CAPTCHA accepts random strings as valid passwords, not just an empty string or a subset of the defined password.
I have not been able to find how CAPTCHA is supposed to be used in the shortcode, so I don’t know how to fix that regex. Here are my fix for the password regex and my total guess on how to fix the CAPTCHA regex:
preg_match( '/\[passster.*password="' . $password . '".*?\]/', $content, $matches ); preg_match( '/\[passster.*captcha="true".*?\]/', $content, $captcha_matches );
Removing the unnecessary “.*”s and prepending the password with “password=” fixes the issues with accepting password substrings and empty passwords as well as the issue of consuming shortcodes within the content. Applying a similar treatment to the CAPTCHA line–again, taking a guess here–fixes the issue specific to this Gravity Forms usage.
Please evaluate, alter as necessary, and incorporate these fixes into your next release.
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