Thanks for your help.
I’ve tried several things. I’ve deactivated all the plugins that were updated the last week (when the problems began) and the problems with Woocommerce persist.
Any other thing on the web are working properly.
When a customer place and order, after any kind of payment the page doesn’t try to load anything. it simply keeps blank, not trying to load anything (although I can see the order placed in the dashboard). The customer can’t see if the order was placed correctly and besides this, nor the customer nor me are receiving any confirmation email (even with the bank transfer payment, that has not to load any other plugin to process).
If I try to change an order to completed, then it keeps loading forever.
Woocommerce are not sending any kind of email, nor the customers nor me.
All of this started since the last update and any other plugin that was updated since that day makes no change if I deactivate it; the problem persist. This must be a problem of Woocommerce.
It is very frustrating and annoying. I’m using this plugin for almost ten years and always was very happy with it; always worked perfectly and now I’m loosing my business.