• Resolved Malae


    Can you please explain the meaning of the following warning on the WP Tools dashboard page:
    Site Health
    Your site has?&nbspa critical issue?that should be addressed as soon as possible.

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  • Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Malae,

    Try this steps:

    1. Go to Dashboard => Tools => Site Health and click over each title to open the boxes with details about issues.
    2. Go to Dashboard => WP Tools => Show PHP Errors and look for error details.

    Our blog has a lot of tips about how to fix errors:


    Please, let me know if you have questions.



    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Bill,
    Thank you for your prompt reply. I will explain further:
    The message says: Your site has &nbspa critical issue ... Here the &nbspa threw me as I have never seen it before. I then wondered, if it was just a corrupted   and if just a space, it added nothing to the message, but confused the meaning.
    I went to Dashboard| Site Health, it is said:
    1 critical issue Your site is set to log errors to a potentially public file
    I do have define ( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true ); set in the wp-config.php file, but I also have code in the .htaccess file to protect it.
    If I comment out the debug line and now go to Dashboard| Site Health, it is says: Good
    and to Dashboard | WP Tools I now see Looking good, but &nbspsome things can be improved.' So I now understand where it all came from and it was not a PHP error. I do think that the formatting of the error messages need to be checked to get rid of the&nbps`.
    As you suggested, I had checked the WP Tools PHP errors and found the following"
    <code>Type: PHP Deprecated Message: Required parameter $title follows optional parameter $showServerName In: /wp-content/plugins/wptools/functions/functions_benchmark.php on line 250</code>
    <code>Type: PHP Warning Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null In: /wp-content/plugins/wptools/functions/functions.php on line 1664</code>
    <code>Type: PHP Warning Message: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given In: /wp-admin/includes/widgets.php on line 238</code>
    <code>Type: PHP Warning Message: strnatcasecmp() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given /wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1111</code>
    Note that 2 are in WP Tools plugin files and two in core files.
    Since Javascript errors are grouped with PHP, I also note scores of javascript errors, perhaps > 100, almost all of which are in core files. Are they all really errors? Can yo separate the Javascript and PHP errors?
    I hope the above will assist in improving your useful plugin.`Hello Bill,
    Thank you for your prompt reply. I will explain further:
    The message says: Your site has &nbspa critical issue ... Here the &nbspa threw me as I have never seen it before. I then wondered, if it was just a corrupted &nbsp; and if just a space, it added nothing to the message, but confused the meaning.
    I went to Dashboard| Site Health, it is said:
    1 critical issue Your site is set to log errors to a potentially public file
    I do have define ( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true ); set in the wp-config.php file, but I also have code in the .htaccess file to protect it.
    If I comment out the debug line and now go to Dashboard| Site Health, it is says: Good
    and to Dashboard | WP Tools I now see Looking good, but &nbspsome things can be improved.' So I now understand where it all came from and it was not a PHP error. I do think that the formatting of the error messages need to be checked to get rid of the&nbps`.
    As you suggested, I had checked the WP Tools PHP errors and found the following"
    Type: PHP Deprecated Message: Required parameter $title follows optional parameter $showServerName In: /wp-content/plugins/wptools/functions/functions_benchmark.php on line 250
    Type: PHP Warning Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null In: /wp-content/plugins/wptools/functions/functions.php on line 1664
    Type: PHP Warning Message: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given In: /wp-admin/includes/widgets.php on line 238
    Type: PHP Warning Message: strnatcasecmp() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given /wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1111
    Note that 2 are in WP Tools plugin files and two in core files.
    Since Javascript errors are grouped with PHP, I also note scores of javascript errors, perhaps > 100, almost all of which are in core files. Are they all really errors? Can yo separate the Javascript and PHP errors?
    I hope the above will assist in improving your useful plugin.

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Malae,

    I just test in our site and it is working.

    Please, go to

    Dashboard => WP Tools => Dashboard => Debug Info

    Copy the Debug details and paste on this site




    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Bill,

    The WP Tools plugin is working on my site too and I understand what was causing the critical error. In fact it was a false positive, because the wp-debug.log file is not accessible and is presently not being created, as there are no detected PHP errors at present. My issues are with the &nbsp showing in the error messages. and the many javascript errors in WordPress core files that are showing in the PHP errors. I don’t understand why it is necessary to paste the ?WP Tools | Dashboard | Debug Info.

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi



    I can’t make a diagnose without information.

    ?&nbsp; is a entity in HTML and means ?non-breaking space.

    Javascript errors can kill your site.

    The Debug info give us a lot of information as:

    Memory available

    Operating System and other sofwares version

    WordPress Version

    WP Tools version

    Plugins and theme installed

    and more.

    Please, take a look in our troubleshooting page:


    Our blog has a lot of tips about how to fix errors:


    Maybe that can help you.



    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Bill,

    I think you misunderstood my questions and comments. I was having problems with the notifications shown in the WPTools plugin, not with my website, so I will explain further.

    The first issue that confused me was the message Your site has &nbspa critical issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. The inclusion of the &nbspa was puzzling and that was the main reason I contacted you. When I checked further it was clear that the critical issue was not &nbspa, but the define ( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true ); ?set in the wp-config.php file.? The issue was then why is &nbspa being displayed. ?I then assumed it was an error in writing &nbsp; as &nbsp ?in one of the plugin files.? Checking today, I found the culprits:
    In wptools/functions/functions.php, ?I found that this occurs in lines 2789, 2793, 2796 and 2799,
    e.g. line 2789:
    $output .= esc_attr__('Your site has','wptools').'&nbsp;<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'site-health.php' ) ) . '" target="_blank"><strong>&nbsp'</strong>.esc_attr__('a critical issue','wptools').'</a>&nbsp;'.esc_attr__('that should be addressed as soon as possible.','wptools');
    After adding the missing ; , the issue disappeared,

    I am now more familiar with the plugin and see that you have a separate menu heading for Javascript and jQuery, in which opens to a list of Javascript Errors.  My question now is why are Javascript errors also showing with the PHP Errors. There are so many JS errors, which makes it more difficult to find the few PHP errors.  I ask again, are all the many Javascript errors detected in WordPress core files an issue?

    I pointed to PHP errors in the plugin although they don’t, show in my debug.log file, are they an issue?

    I hope this clarifies the issues.

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Malae,

    Thanks. I got it. In fact, is missing ; in that lines and I just fixed that.

    &nbsp; is used only to separate words but if is missing ; it doen’t work.

    It is not considered PHP error by PHP system. It is just a sort of HTML error.

    The message is only to alert you to take a look at Site Health page (managed by WordPress). It is up to you do that.

    Our plugin catch javascript errors and add to error_log file. We don’t create a new error log class, we just use this PHP feature to record Javscript errors. error_log is a strong PHP feature and is not a good idea change it.

    Anyway, error log file contain other kind of errors, as for example, mysql (database) errors.

    You can find more about errors and warnings in our blog:


    JavaScript errors in a WordPress site can occur for several reasons, including plugin or theme conflicts, outdated scripts, syntax errors in custom code, and more. These errors can cause unexpected behavior on your site, such as broken functionality, layout issues, or even preventing the site from loading altogether.

    It’s important to fix JavaScript errors because they can negatively impact the user experience of your site, potentially causing frustration or confusion for visitors. They can also harm your site’s search engine rankings if they prevent search engine crawlers from accessing and indexing your content.



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Bill Minozzi.
    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Bill,

    I think you are still not understanding some of my questions and comments. You didn’t really answer my question about why are Javascript errors also showing under the PHP Errors heading  Why do you duplicate the display of Javascript errors?  If you cannot separate them from the PHP errors then why not change the title of PHP Errors to PHP & Javascript Errors and remove the separate Javascript and jQuery from the menu as it seems to just duplicate information also in the PHP Errors?

    I ask again, are all the very large number of Javascript errors detected in WordPress core files an issue?

    You also have not yet answered about the deprecated PHP in the WPTools plugin, which I posted in my first reply:
    Type: PHP Deprecated Message: Required parameter $title follows optional parameter $showServerName In: /wp-content/plugins/<strong>wptools/</strong>functions/functions_benchmark.php on line 250
    Type: PHP Warning Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null In: /wp-content/plugins/<strong>wptools</strong>/functions/functions.php on line 1664

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Malae,

    I think it’s a good idea to change the menu voice from “PHP ERRORS” to “ERRORS LOG”. I will make this change in the next version soon.

    I like the idea of keeping one separated voice for JavaScript errors because they are very serious and need to be addressed as soon as possible, and Usually not everyone pays attention to them. However, I use the error_log PHP function to record them, and I think they can also be included in the (new) “ERRORS LOG” voice. So, those who don’t thoroughly examine the various menu voices will at least examine the so-called ERROR LOG.

    As I said, JavaScript errors are very serious and should be removed immediately. Obviously, PHP, MySQL, and even HTML errors should also be removed immediately.

    O wrote before: “JavaScript errors in a WordPress site can occur for several reasons, including plugin or theme conflicts, outdated scripts, syntax errors in custom code, and more. These errors can cause unexpected behavior on your site, such as broken functionality, layout issues, or even prevent the site from loading altogether.

    Regarding the PHP Deprecated warning (not error): “Required parameter $title follows optional parameter $showServerName“, this is just a warning message meant to inform you that this code may cause issues in future versions of PHP and should be updated. Although the code will still work as intended, I just fixed it and will upload it to WordPress soon.

    The other warning on line 1664 is just a warning, not error. Don’t worry, it means that there was a condition on your server where a variable was not defined (a variable that controls whether the letter should be in bold or normal). I have already made the correction and included it in the next version.

    Thanks for yours suggestions to improve the plugin.



    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Bill,

    Thank for you reply. The plugin is comprehensive and provides many ways to check what is happening on a site. I felt that it would help, if you can avoid duplication of what is reported.

    On the subject of PHP errors, you said The other warning on line 1664 is just a warning, not error Strictly speaking, notices and warnings are categorised as errors in PHP as well as the more serious errors that cause halting of the script. Your menu heading PHP Errors displays notices and warnings, which is correct.

    Although notices and warnings may be ignored, if they flood the wp-debug log file, they make searching for other problems more difficult and I usually try to fix the problems that cause them. This is difficult when the problems are in a third-party theme, or plugin, because, if I fix them myself, they will be overwritten, if there is an update. PHP and Javascript errors in WordPress core files should be at a minimum and I am surprised at how many Javascript errors are displayed in core files by WPTools

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Malae,

    You are welcome.

    Thanks for the suggestions, i included the fixes and I will upload a new version soon.

    Good luck with your site.



    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi jboy,

    We have a very comprehensive article that explains the anatomy of an error message. Here is the link:


    The error is a “PHP Fatal error,” which means it’s a serious error that halted the script’s execution.

    The error occurred in the file /home/roomspac/public_html/wp-includes/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php at line 874.

    The error is caused by the use of the mail() function in the PHPMailer library, but PHP cannot find this function. This may be due to incorrect or missing server configuration.

    It appears that the error is happening in the context of a plugin called “essential-real-estate” that is trying to send an email using PHPMailer.

    Try to get support from the developer of the essential-real-estate plugin.

    You can also try our free plugin:




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