• Resolved rawan2021



    I have a test website which has a critical issue with this message:

    “Your url is set as test.example.com/, but your WordPress.com connection lists it as example.com/!

    what should I do in this case?

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  • Plugin Support lastsplash (a11n)


    Hi @rawan2021

    This likely means that Jetpack isn’t able to differentiate between your two sites and, in the process, became confused. Are you getting an error message about Safe Mode on your website?

    We have some documentation on how to resolve that here:


    If not, could you please post your site URL here so that we can have a look?

    If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.


    Thread Starter rawan2021



    Thanks for replying with solution. Yes I have a test website beside my live site. I followed the instructions by clicking the “ stay in safe mode” button, yet I still have a site health crisis issue report at my admin dashboard of the test website.

    Anything I need to fix here?

    Kind regards

    Could you please post your site URL here so that we can have a look?

    If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.


    Plugin Support Tamirat B. (a11n)


    HI there @rawan2021

    Do you have updates about the above? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no activity, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!

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