Critical error on checkout
I dont know why i keep getting critical error in my site, does this error have any thing to doo with the treawallet plugin
2023-06-03T14:52:21+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_tax_class() on bool in /home/ Stack trace: #0 /home/ WC_Cart_Totals->get_items_from_cart() #1 /home/ WC_Cart_Totals->calculate_item_totals() #2 /home/ WC_Cart_Totals->calculate() #3 /home/ WC_Cart_Totals->__construct() #4 /home/ WC_Cart->calculate_totals() #5 /home/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #6 /home/ WP_Hook->do_action() #7 /home/ do_action() #8 /home/ Woo_Wallet_Frontend->restore_woocommerce_cart_items() #9 /home/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #10 /home/ WP_Hook->do_action() #11 /home/ do_action() #12 /home/ include('...') #13 /home/ wc_get_template() #14 /home/ WC_Shortcode_Checkout::order_received() #15 /home/ WC_Shortcode_Checkout::output() #16 /home/ WC_Shortcodes::shortcode_wrapper() #17 /home/ WC_Shortcodes::checkout() #18 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #19 /home/ preg_replace_callback() #20 /home/ do_shortcode() #21 /home/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #22 /home/ apply_filters() #23 /home/ render_block_core_post_content() #24 /home/ WP_Block->render() #25 /home/ WP_Block->render() #26 /home/ render_block() #27 /home/ do_blocks() #28 /home/ get_the_block_template_html() #29 /home/ include('...') #30 /home/ require_once('...') #31 /home/ require('...') #32 {main} thrown in /home/ on line 225
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