Hi @brasileiraemtoronto,
If you are running the latest Feed Them Social free plugin (v4.1.5), and you are running any FTS premium extensions, those extensions must be updated to v2.0.0 or later, as any FTS legacy extensions (v1) are not compatible and can cause issues.
To update any of your FTS premium extensions, go to the My Account page of your SlickRemix.com account, go to the downloads tab and then manually download & replace the old FTS premium extensions (do not rename the zip file and please be aware that some downloaders may automatically rename).
If you do not have any FTS premium extensions installed, in your WordPress dashboard, go to FT Social > Feeds then click on the feed that you are having the issue with.
Then, click the blue support beacon at the bottom right, click “Ask” (on the top right), choose email and fill out the rest of the support ticket. This procedure will send us any/all of the feed info for us to be able to help debug your issue.
The SlickRemix Team