• Resolved CamZL1


    I am getting the following errors when the WF plugin is active:https://snipboard.io/yN1lIF.jpg


    The REST API is one way WordPress, and other applications, communicate with the server. One example is the block editor screen, which relies on this to display, and save, your posts and pages.

    The REST API call gave the following unexpected result: (503) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner</title> <style> html { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #333; background-color: #fff; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } a { color:#00709e; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight: 200; line-height: 1.1; } h1, .h1 { font-size: 3rem; } h2, .h2 { font-size: 2.5rem; } h3, .h3 { font-size: 1.5rem; } h4, .h4 { font-size: 1rem; } h5, .h5 { font-size: 0.875rem; } h6, .h6 { font-size: 0.75rem; } h1, h2, h3 { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; } h4, h5, h6 { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .wf-btn { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; touch-action: manipulation; cursor: pointer; background-image: none; border: 1px solid transparent; 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flex-direction: row; align-items: stretch; } .about .badge { flex-basis: 116px; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; } .about svg { width: 100px; height: 100px; } .about-text { background-color: #00709e; color: #ffffff; padding: 1rem; } .about-text .h4 { font-weight: 500; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; font-size: 0.875rem; } .about-text p { font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 200; margin-top: 0.3rem; margin-bottom: 0.3rem; } .about-text p:first-of-type { margin-top: 0; } .about-text p:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0; } .st0{fill:#00709e;} .st1{fill:#FFFFFF;} .generated { color: #999999; margin-top: 2rem; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- WFWAF NONCE: 0eb4c84179 --><div class="top-accent"></div> <div class="container"> <h1>Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner</h1> <p>Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503)</p> <p>If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.</p> <hr> <p class="medium">If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". 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-3.21-5.97-8.74-9.82-16.59-11.56L317.12 623.45z"/><path class="st1" d="M434.33 666.38l-34.31 3 3.16 36.11 -10.78 0.94 -7.15-81.77 50.66-4.43 0.77 8.82 -39.87 3.48 2.45 28.02 34.31-3L434.33 666.38z"/><path class="st1" d="M510.32 640.43l-33.18 12.83 10.49 27.13 38.54-14.9 3.19 8.26 -48.64 18.8 -29.6-76.56 48.11-18.6 3.19 8.26 -38.02 14.7 9.53 24.66 33.18-12.83L510.32 640.43z"/><path class="st1" d="M614.06 613.59l-8.44 6.87 -71.98-22.95 39.94 49.05 -8.44 6.87 -51.83-63.65 8.44-6.87 72.25 23.1 -40.12-49.26 8.35-6.8L614.06 613.59z"/><path class="st1" d="M654.98 512.51c6.83 5.46 10.82 11.72 11.97 18.79 1.15 7.07-0.65 14.4-5.38 21.99 -5.13 8.23-12.19 12.98-21.18 14.26 -8.99 1.28-18.43-1.16-28.32-7.33l-6.7-4.18c-6.47-4.04-11.44-8.75-14.91-14.12 -3.47-5.37-5.2-11-5.18-16.88 0.01-5.88 1.76-11.61 5.24-17.19 4.62-7.4 10.38-12.04 17.29-13.93 6.91-1.89 14.25-0.92 22.01 2.9l-5.76 9.23c-6.06-2.67-11.17-3.46-15.33-2.35 -4.16 1.11-7.73 4.05-10.71 8.84 -3.66 5.87-4.36 11.82-2.1 17.86 2.26 6.04 7.4 11.56 15.41 16.55l6.75 4.21c7.56 4.72 14.57 6.89 21 6.52s11.43-3.39 14.97-9.07c3.18-5.1 4.47-9.74 3.86-13.91 -0.61-4.17-3.51-8.49-8.69-12.96L654.98 512.51z"/><path class="st1" d="M667.34 432.9l-8.96 34.42 28.15 7.33 10.42-39.99 8.56 2.23 -13.14 50.46 -79.43-20.68 13-49.92 8.57 2.23 -10.27 39.44 25.59 6.66 8.96-34.42L667.34 432.9z"/><path class="st1" d="M555.22 263.5c-89.43-2.89-168.99-50.48-168.99-50.48s-79.55 47.6-168.98 50.48c0 0-19.2 76.66-9.83 165.04 7.5-3.84 19.65-9.56 35.94-15.59l0-66.2 -4.91 0.02 12.05-27.68 12.56 27.58 -4.9 0.02v61.1c13.75-4.5 29.67-8.92 47.58-12.65v-72.93l-4.91 0.02 12.05-27.68 12.56 27.58 -4.9 0.02v70.17c16.8-2.93 35.1-5.17 54.77-6.28 1.17-16.26 1.74-31.12 1.79-41.18 0-0.02 0-0.04 0-0.06 0.08-16.78-0.76-25.82-0.76-25.82 -0.56-0.67-1.05-1.4-1.46-2.18 -0.89-1.67-1.42-3.56-1.42-5.59 0-0.64 0.08-1.26 0.18-1.87 0.01-0.05 0.01-0.11 0.02-0.16l-6.42-0.03 0.18-0.4 18.81-41.33 0.01-0.01 0.01 0.01 18.81 41.33 0.18 0.4 -6.42 0.03c0.01 0.05 0.01 0.11 0.02 0.16 0.1 0.61 0.18 1.23 0.18 1.87 0 2.03-0.53 3.92-1.42 5.59 -0.41 0.78-0.9 1.51-1.46 2.18 0 0-0.84 9.04-0.76 25.82 0 0.02 0 0.04 0 0.06 0.05 10.06 0.61 24.92 1.79 41.18 19.67 1.11 37.97 3.36 54.77 6.28v-70.17l-4.9-0.02 12.56-27.58 12.05 27.68 -4.91-0.02v72.93c17.91 3.72 33.83 8.15 47.58 12.65v-61.1l-4.9-0.02 12.56-27.58 12.05 27.68 -4.9-0.02v66.2c16.29 6.03 28.45 11.75 35.94 15.59C574.42 340.17 555.22 263.5 555.22 263.5z"/><path class="st1" d="M529.11 497.7h8.75v0h2.08 5.4v0h4.67c2.95-9.58 5.5-19.42 7.64-29.05l0 0c2.67-9.65 4.3-17.58 5.28-23.31 0 0 0.04-0.22 0.05-0.32 0.06-0.36 0.12-0.72 0.18-1.06 -5.22-2.82-16.88-8.73-34.05-15.35V497.7z"/><path class="st1" d="M466.74 410.08v87.62h8.74v0h16.14v0h8.44 14.25l0-74.45C500.77 418.64 484.81 414 466.74 410.08z"/><path class="st1" d="M398.38 400.86c0.04 0.36 1.26 10.03 1.45 11.65 3 22.36 9.06 57.64 15.25 85.14h-0.31c0 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.05h30.53 6.63v-90.58c-16.42-2.99-34.34-5.3-53.58-6.49C398.37 400.71 398.37 400.79 398.38 400.86z"/><path class="st1" d="M320.54 497.7h6.63 30.52c0-0.02 0.01-0.03 0.01-0.05h-0.31c6.19-27.49 12.25-62.77 15.25-85.14 0.19-1.63 1.41-11.29 1.45-11.65 0.01-0.08 0.01-0.15 0.02-0.23 -19.37 1.19-37.31 3.53-53.58 6.48V497.7z"/><path class="st1" d="M258.16 497.7h14.25 8.44v0H297v0h8.74v-87.65c-18.72 4.04-34.75 8.75-47.58 13.11V497.7z"/><path class="st1" d="M209.32 443.95c0.06 0.35 0.12 0.7 0.18 1.07 0.02 0.11 0.03 0.22 0.05 0.32 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.98 5.73 2.61 13.65 5.28 23.31l0 0c2.14 9.63 4.69 19.48 7.64 29.05h4.67v0h7.48v0h8.75v-69.17C226.25 435.15 214.56 441.11 209.32 443.95 209.32 443.95 209.32 443.95 209.32 443.95z"/></svg> </div> <div class="about-text"> <h3 class="h4">About Wordfence</h3> <p>Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 3 million WordPress sites. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site.</p> <p>You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit wordfence.com to learn more about Wordfence.</p> </div> </div> <p class="documentation small">Click here to learn more: <a href="https://www.wordfence.com/help/?query=locked-out" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Documentation</a></p> <p class="generated small"><em>Generated by Wordfence at Tue, 24 Nov 2020 19:02:48 GMT.<br>Your computer's time: <script type="application/javascript">document.write(new Date().toUTCString());</script>.</em></p> </div> </body> </html>.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @danishhaidri thanks for seeking our help on this issue.

    If you install the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin, this allows you to disable all plugins and switch to a default theme, but only for your user to prevent downtime for other site visitors. If you disable all plugins except Wordfence at this point and try the site-health check again, it will confirm if the issue is caused by Wordfence.

    If the wp_version_check() issue doesn’t reoccur, try turning on the other plugins one-by-one to see when it starts happening again and either leave that plugin disabled or contact their support if you wish to continue using it going forward.

    If Wordfence alone causes the issue continue, it’d great if you could also send us a diagnostic report to wftest @ wordfence . com. You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.

    Note: For the fastest response time, please make sure and add any information or questions directly to this topic and not the email address above unless asked.



    Thread Starter CamZL1



    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @danishhaidri, thanks for sending that over.

    I originally thought if this wasn’t a plugin conflict, it could be a problem with how the site communicates back to itself but your diagnostic seems to OK that action and also report the correct IPs for both you (and site visitors in general) and your server.

    Could you please try clicking on Manage WAF from the Wordfence Dashboard? Then you will see Basic Firewall Options > Web Application Firewall Status. Change the option to Learning Mode.

    Now, attempt a health check and the action(s) that resulted in the REST API error you included with your first post. This will help Wordfence learn that these actions are normal and it will allow them in the future. After you have finished performing the actions, switch the WAF from Learning Mode back to Enabled and Protecting. Now test to see if these actions work correctly under normal circumstances.

    https://www.wordfence.com/help/firewall/learning-mode/ is an amazing resource for learning more about the WAF and learning mode.

    Thanks again,


    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @danishhaidri,

    As we’ve not heard back for a while, hopefully Learning Mode helped you out. If you have any Wordfence queries in the future, by all means start a new topic and we’ll be glad to help out any time.

    Thanks again,


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