• Resolved girl_number_5


    When i attempt to update my main site by pushing changes from my staging site this plugin causes a fatal error, Yes both site are identical other than minor changes i’m making. This has been the case for a day now. Each time my server flags up a fatal error caused by this plugin. I’ve built the site blog and used other widgets with this plugin and it forms a large part of the finished site. Now this plugin has destroyed it – what rubbish. Please let me download the previous version before this current update ( Version 1.7.2) 1.7.1 was good.

    Maybe this is the problem: https://prnt.sc/5qU5lsbHx1DB (Qi Addons For Elementor) & https://prnt.sc/WVr5qrwQh2G- (Qode Essential Addons)

    Both showing as not compatible with my version of WordPress (I have the latest WP version installed)

    I never install any plugin which hasn’t been tested with WP latest which i thought was WP best-practice. If these two plugins weren’t installed mandatory for the Qi theme i installed i would never have bothered with them. At least show some gratitude to people who have chosen your products (especially when the plugins are necessary installs) and keep them up to date!

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  • Plugin Author Qode



    We are sorry about the unexpected behavior you’re experiencing with the plugin.

    This has been resolved in the latest release of the free Qi Addons for Elementor. Please try reinstalling Qi Addons for Elementor plugin. You should delete it and then install it again in Plugins > Add New.


    Plugin Author Qode



    We have run tests with both Qi Theme and Qi Addons for Elementor plugin on our installations and we couldn’t reproduce these errors with the latest versions. We will gladly investigate further why this unexpected behavior occurs on your installations. You can contact us here, include url of your site and provide us with more info regarding the errors which are appearing, and we will check and assist you.

    Thank you.


    @trutherone what plugin did you end up getting?

    Plugin Author Qode



    We have now updated Qi Addons for Elementor plugin so please try updating it to the latest version.


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