Cricket Moods
Hi…I’m not sure if I’m even in the right place, or if this is way over my head or not…but I’ve been searching for this answer for over a week now, and am losing hair daily trying to fix this…I hope maybe someone can help me here.
I’m a wordpress user, and I have a plug in on my WP that I’ve used for quite some time called “Cricket Moods”…last week I tried to add some more mood icons to the proper area and started receiving this error where the moods should post on my dashboard:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/janasjib/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cricket-moods.php on line 310
I’ve uninstalled this, reinstalled this, contacted the plug in author, wordpress, everyone I can think of and no one seems to know what the problem is, or how to fix it. Here’s the area in the php file that has the error line on it…if that can help at all.
// Begin printing a checkbox for every mood.
foreach($moods as $mood_id => $mood_info) {
echo “<label for=’cm_mood_$mood_id’ class=’selectit’><input type=’checkbox’ id=’cm_mood_$mood_id’ name=’cm_mood_$mood_id’ value=’$mood_id'”;// If we are editing a post, and that post has moods, pre-check the
// moods currently assigned to the post.
if( !empty($post->ID) and !empty($post_moods) ) {
foreach($post_moods as $post_mood_id) {
if( $post_mood_id == $mood_id ) {
echo ‘ checked=”checked”‘;
}I’d appreciate it if someone can either e-mail me and help me through this…or something! I can be reached at [email protected].
Thank you!
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