yes, after adding the code it does load the code, but only on members profile page. and there are some errors. Transfers is enabled and on the settings there are the default settings.
I took the below code directly from the source code:
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* <![CDATA[ */
var myCRED = {"ajaxurl":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","user_id":"16","working":"Processing...","token":"f743c91a83","atoken":"148ae96753","reload":"1","completed":"Transaction completed.","error_1":"Security token could not be verified. Please contact your site administrator!","error_2":"Communications error. Please try again later.","error_3":"Recipient not found. Please try again.","error_4":"Transaction declined by recipient.","error_5":"Incorrect amount. Please try again.","error_6":"This myCRED Add-on has not yet been setup! No transfers are allowed until this has been done!","error_7":"Insufficient Funds. Please try a lower amount.","error_8":"Transfer Limit exceeded."};
/* ]]> */
</script><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>