Credit Card Settings are not Translated
I use this plugin in Japanese.
Credit Card Settings are not Translated into Japanese.
Ex. “Enable this gateway”, “This setting does not change which card types the gateway will accept. Accepted cards are configured from your payment processor account.” and so on.I tried to translate, but there are nothing texts I would like to translate in the site “WooCommerce Square” in “Translating WordPress”.
When I go to the payment page and select Credit Card, there are some English strings like “Card Number”, “Expiration” and so on.I would like to use this plugin in Japanese.
How can I translate them?
Hi there @skyies618,
Thanks for reaching out!
You can do this by using a free translation plugin like Loco Translate –
I was able to find both strings that you mentioned in there: and
Let me know how that goes!
Thank you!
I tried Loco Translate, but WooCommerce Square is 100% translated in Japanese though there are some English texts.
And I found these English texts in “template”.
In the site “Translating WordPress”, it’s same. WooCommerce Square is 100% translated in Japanese though there are some English texts.I tried translate of template, but it will be deleted when plugin will be updated.
I tried Poedit to make po file from pot (translation template file).
And I uploaded mo file I translated, but it does not work well.
There are still English texts a lot.Hi there @skyies618,
You’re right, I changed translation for these strings in Loco, but the changes were not reflected on my site.
Our developers informed that the translation files should work when you have two translation files under
You can use the same file for all four but with different names and your language.
Let me know how that goes!
Thank you for your information.
I tried to find “woocommerce-plugin-framework” language file, but I colud not find them.
Maybe the language files do not exist in Japanese.There are and woocommerce-square-ja.po , that’s all.
How do I resolve this situation?
Hi there @skyies618,
Please use the same
file, copy it four times, and rename as I described above. Yes, it’s going to be the same file with four different names ??I have also updated the doc to reflect it more accurately: + woocommerce-plugin-framework-es_ES.po do not exist.
I re-installed woocommerce-square, but it’s same.
Only and woocommerce-square-ja.po exsist, no other files.I changed my site language for a test.
en-GB: It’s same. Only and woocommerce-square-en-GB.po.
en-US: No language files added.
es-ES: It’s same. Only and woocommerce-square-es-ES.po.I can not get + woocommerce-plugin-framework-es_ES.po.
Any other plugins required?Hi there @skyies618,
Please take your and woocommerce-square-ja.po files, copy them, and rename to and woocommerce-plugin-framework-ja.po respectively.
As a result, you will have four files:
– woocommerce-square-ja.po
– (which is the same file as but renamed)
– woocommerce-plugin-framework-ja.po (which is the same file as woocommerce-square-ja.po but renamed)Hope it helps!
Hello @treibalen,
Thank you very much!
I didn’t understand the meanings “copy it four times”.I copied and renamed,po to,po.
And I applied translation file I made from pot file, then my translation is reflected.But there are too much English texts to translate only by myself.
Will the untranslated texts apply the site “Translating WordPress”?Hi there @skyies618,
But there are too much English texts to translate only by myself.
Do you mean Square fields or something else?
If you mean Square, you can contribute to the translation and download it here:
Yes, this Square plugin.
I know the site.
The untranslated texts I found do not exist in the site.
I don’t know why it is.
So I posted this topic.Hi there @skyies618,
Can you please share which strings are missing so I could check what might be wrong?
Hi Elvira,
I have the same problem but in fr_CA. I tried what you said, copy 4 times and rename them and I put them in /wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce-square/i18n/languages/ but it does not work.
A weird behaviour occurs. When the page load I see in the credit card section Place Order Button correctly translated in French but automatically the section reload and became in English.
May I have a solution please?
Thank you
Hi @treibalen ,
The untranslated texts I found in woocommerce-square.pot are following:
Scheduled Actions
Action [%s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array.
Scheduled Date
Claim ID
Process the action now as if it were run as part of a queue
Cancel the action now to avoid it being run in future
%s year
%s month
%s week
%s day
%s hour
%s minute
%s second
Every %s
Cron %s
Maximum simultaneous batches already in progress (%s queues). No actions will be processed until the current batches are complete.
Successfully executed action: %s
Successfully canceled action: %s
Successfully processed change for action: %s
Could not process change for action: “%s” (ID: %d). Error: %s
(%s ago)
Search hook, args and claim ID
action created
action canceled
action started
action complete
action failed: %s
action timed out after %s seconds
unexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %s in %s on line %s
action reset
action ignored
Every minute
Invalid schedule. Cannot save action.
The %s class can only be run within WP CLI.
There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue.
There are too many concurrent batches.
Running %d action
The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch.
Started processing action %s
Completed processing action %s with hook: %s
Error processing action %1$s: %2$s
Attempting to reduce used memory…
Found %d scheduled task
%d batch executed.
There was an error running the action scheduler: %s
%d scheduled task completed.
Error saving action: %s
Unable to save action.
Unidentified action %s
Unable to claim actions. Database error.
The group “%s” does not exist.
Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error.
Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error.
Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error.
Invalid action ID. No status found.
Failed <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>
In-Progress <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>
Scheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time.
Scheduled Action
Add New Scheduled Action
Edit Scheduled Action
New Scheduled Action
View Action
Search Scheduled Actions
No actions found
No actions found in trash
Action Group
Hot dog
Are you having a great experience with %1$s so far? Please consider %2$sleaving a review%3$s! If things aren’t going quite as expected, we’re happy to help — please %4$sreach out to our support team%5$s.
Thanks for installing %1$s! To get started, take a minute to %2$sread the documentation%3$s ??
Thanks for installing %1$s! To get started, take a minute to complete these %2$squick and easy setup steps%3$s ??
%s › Setup
Oops! An error occurred, please try again.
Welcome to %s!
This quick setup wizard will help you configure the basic settings and get you started.
%s is ready!
Next step
You can also:
View the Docs
See more setup options
Learn more about customizing the plugin
Review Your Settings
Leave a Review
Return to the WordPress Dashboard
Not right now
Skip this step
The following plugin is disabled because it is out of date and incompatible with newer plugins on your site:
To resolve this, please %1$supdate%2$s (recommended) %3$sor%4$s %5$sdeactivate%6$s the above plugin, or %7$sdeactivate the following%8$s:
The following plugins are inactive because they require a newer version of WooCommerce:
The following plugin is inactive because it requires a newer version of WooCommerce:
%1$s requires WooCommerce %2$s or newer
Please %1$supdate WooCommerce%2$s
%1$s requires the %2$s PHP extension to function. Contact your host or server administrator to install and configure the missing extension.
%1$s requires the %2$s PHP function to exist. Contact your host or server administrator to install and configure the missing function.
%s may behave unexpectedly because the following PHP configuration settings are required:
%s or higher
Please contact your hosting provider or server administrator to configure these settings.
Hey there! We’ve noticed that your server is running %1$san outdated version of PHP%2$s, which is the programming language that WooCommerce and its extensions are built on.
The PHP version that is currently used for your site is no longer maintained, nor %1$sreceives security updates%2$s; newer versions are faster and more secure.
As a result, %3$s no longer supports this version and you should upgrade PHP as soon as possible.
Your hosting provider can do this for you. %4$sHere are some resources to help you upgrade%5$s and to explain PHP versions further.
Hey there! We’ve noticed that your site is running version %1$s of WooCommerce, but %2$sWooCommerce 3.0 or higher will soon be required%3$s by %4$s. We recommend you %5$supdate WooCommerce%6$s to the latest version as soon as possible.
You cannot clone instances of %s.
You cannot unserialize instances of %s.
%1$s – A minimum of %2$s is required.
Set as %1$s – %2$s is required.
There was a problem processing your order and it is being placed on hold for review. Please contact us to complete the transaction.
Could not find order %s
Status code %1$s: %2$s
Status code: %s
Status message: %s
Transaction ID %s
%s duplicate transaction received
Order %s is already paid for.
Your order has been received and is being reviewed. Thank you for your business.
Authorization only transaction
%s Transaction Held for Review
%s Payment Failed
%s Transaction Cancelled
Order cannot be captured
Transaction authorization has expired
Transaction has already been fully captured
Transaction cannot be captured
%1$s Capture of %2$s Approved
(Transaction ID %s)
%1$s Capture Failed: %2$s
Are you sure you wish to process this capture? The action cannot be undone.
Something went wrong, and the capture could no be completed. Please try again.
Capture Charge
This charge has been fully captured.
This charge can no longer be captured.
This charge cannot be captured.
Are you sure you want to remove this token?
Invalid token data
An error occurred. Please try again.
Token ID
Card Type
Last Four
Expiration (MM/YY)
Account Type
Add New
%s Payment Tokens
Customer ID
This section contains configuration settings for this gateway.
The transaction environment for this gateway.
Tokenization Enabled
Displays whether or not tokenization is enabled for this gateway.
Debug Mode
Displays whether or not debug logging is enabled for this gateway.
Display at Checkout & Log
Display at Checkout
Save to Log
Authorization total
Amount already captured
Remaining order total
Capture amount
Comment (optional):
Capture %s
— Select an option —
No saved payment tokens
The gateway customer ID for the user. Only edit this if necessary.
An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment
We cannot process your order with the payment information that you provided. Please use a different payment account or an alternate payment method.
This order is being placed on hold for review. Please contact us to complete the transaction.
This order is being placed on hold for review due to an incorrect card verification number. You may contact the store to complete the transaction.
The card verification number is invalid, please try again.
Please enter your card verification number and try again.
That card type is not accepted, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
The card type is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number. Please try again or use an alternate card or other form of payment.
Please select the card type and try again.
The card number is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
Please enter your card number and try again.
The card expiration date is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
The card expiration month is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
The card expiration year is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
Please enter your card expiration date and try again.
The bank routing number is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
The bank account number is invalid, please re-enter and try again.
The provided card is expired, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
The provided card was declined, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
Insufficient funds in account, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
The card is inactivate or not authorized for card-not-present transactions, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
The credit limit for the card has been reached, please use an alternate card or other form of payment.
The card verification number does not match. Please re-enter and try again.
The provided address does not match the billing address for cardholder. Please verify the address and try again.
Apple Pay
Enable / Disable
Accept Apple Pay
Allow Apple Pay on
Button Style
White with outline
Connection Settings
Apple Merchant ID
This is found in your %1$sApple developer account%2$s
Certificate Path
For reference, your current web root path is: %s
Processing Gateway
Test Mode
Enable to test Apple Pay functionality throughout your sites without processing real payments.
Your site must be served over HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate.
Accepts payment in %1$s only. %2$sConfigure%3$s WooCommerce to accept %1$s to enable Apple Pay.
Your %1$sMerchant Identity Certificate%2$s cannot be found. Please check your path configuration.
Apple Pay is disabled.
Single products
Buy with
Pay with
Error %d: Unable to create order. Please try again.
Apple Pay payment authorized.
Apple Pay payment failed. %s
Payment error, please try another payment method or contact us to complete your transaction.
Card expiration date is invalid
Card number is missing
Card number is invalid (wrong length)
Card number is invalid (only digits allowed)
Card number is invalid
Card security code is invalid (only digits are allowed)
Card security code is invalid (must be 3 or 4 digits)
Card security code is missing
Routing Number is missing
Routing Number is invalid (only digits are allowed)
Routing number is invalid (must be 9 digits)
Account Number is missing
Account Number is invalid (only digits are allowed)
Account number is invalid (must be between 5 and 17 digits)
Drivers license number is invalid
Check Number is invalid (only digits are allowed)
Unknown error
Payment method address could not be updated. %s
%1$s Check Transaction Approved: %2$s account ending in %3$s
Check number %s
%1$s %2$s %3$s Approved: %4$s ending in %5$s
(expires %s)
Tokenization Request Failed: %s
%1$s Tokenization Request Failed: %2$s
Oops, adding your new payment method failed: %s
Nice! New payment method added: %1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s)
Nice! New payment method added: %1$s account ending in %2$s
Nice! New payment method added.
%1$s – Add Payment Method for %2$s
Checking Account
Savings Account
Credit / Debit Card
Bank Account
Thank you for your order, please click the button below to pay.
Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to complete payment.
Pay Now
Cancel Order
%1$s Payment Method Saved: %2$s ending in %3$s (expires %4$s)
%1$s eCheck Payment Method Saved: %2$s account ending in %3$s
%s Payment Method Saved
Tokenization failed. %s
Oops, there was an error updating your payment method. Please try again.
Are you sure you want to delete this payment method?
You do not have any saved payment methods.
My Payment Methods
Add New Payment Method
Credit/Debit Cards
Bank Accounts
Oops, you took too long, please try again.
There was an error with your request, please try again.
Error removing payment method
Payment method deleted.
Card Number
Card Security Code
Where do I find this?
Routing Number
Account Number
Manage Payment Methods
Use a new card
Use a new bank account
Securely Save to Account
%1$s: WooCommerce is not being forced over SSL; your customers’ payment data may be at risk. %2$sVerify your site URLs here%3$s
%s will soon require TLS 1.2 support to process transactions and your server environment may need to be updated. Please contact your hosting provider to confirm that your site can send and receive TLS 1.2 connections and request they make any necessary updates.
%1$s accepts payment in %2$s only. %3$sConfigure%4$s WooCommerce to accept %2$s to enable this gateway for checkout.
Heads up! %1$s is currently configured to log transaction data for debugging purposes. If you are not experiencing any problems with payment processing, we recommend %2$sturning off Debug Mode%3$s
%1$s is inactive for subscription transactions. Please %2$senable tokenization%3$s to activate %1$s for Subscriptions.
%1$s is inactive for pre-order transactions. Please %2$senable tokenization%3$s to activate %1$s for Pre-Orders.
You must enable tokenization for this gateway in order to support automatic renewal payments with the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension.
%s Customer ID
Removed payment token “%d”
Expiry Date
you successfully processed a payment!
you successfully processed a refund!
Check Number is missing
Drivers license state is missing
Drivers license number is missing
Place order
Thank you for your order.
Credit Card
Pay securely using your credit card.
Pay securely using your checking account.
Enable this gateway
Payment method title that the customer will see during checkout.
Payment method description that the customer will see during checkout.
Detailed Decline Messages
Check to enable detailed decline messages to the customer during checkout when possible, rather than a generic decline message.
Show Detailed Error Messages and API requests/responses on the checkout page and/or save them to the %1$sdebug log%2$s
Show on Checkout Page
Select the gateway environment to use for transactions.
Share connection settings
Use connection/authentication settings from other gateway
Disabled because the other gateway is using these settings
Card Verification (CSC)
Display the Card Security Code (CV2) field on checkout
Saved Card Verification
Display the Card Security Code field when paying with a saved card
%1$s – Order %2$s
%1$s – Capture for Order %2$s
%1$s – Refund for Order %2$s
%1$s Refund in the amount of %2$s approved.
%1$s Refund Failed: %2$s – %3$s
%1$s Refund Failed: %2$s
%s Order completely refunded.
Oops, you cannot partially void this order. Please use the full order amount.
%1$s Void Failed: %2$s – %3$s
%1$s Void Failed: %2$s
%1$s Void in the amount of %2$s approved.
%1$s %2$s %3$s Approved
%1$s ending in %2$s
%1$s Transaction Held for Review (%2$s)
%1$s Payment Failed (%2$s)
%1$s Transaction Cancelled (%2$s)
Transaction Type
Select how transactions should be processed. Charge submits all transactions for settlement, Authorization simply authorizes the order total for capture later.
Charge Virtual-Only Orders
If the order contains exclusively virtual items, enable this to immediately charge, rather than authorize, the transaction.
Enable Partial Capture
Allow orders to be partially captured multiple times.
Capture Paid Orders
Automatically capture orders when they are changed to %s.
a paid status
Accepted Card Logos
These are the card logos that are displayed to customers as accepted during checkout.
This setting %1$sdoes not%2$s change which card types the gateway will accept. Accepted cards are configured from your payment processor account.
Allow customers to securely save their payment details for future checkout.
Pre-Order Tokenization attempt failed (%s)
%s – Pre-Order Release Payment for Order %s
Payment token missing/invalid.
%s %s Pre-Order Release Payment Approved: %s ending in %s (expires %s)
%s eCheck Pre-Order Release Payment Approved: %s ending in %s
Pre-Order Release Payment Failed: %s
Subscription Renewal: payment token is missing/invalid.
%1$s – Subscription Renewal Order %2$s
%1$s Payment Change Failed (%2$s)
Via %s ending in %s
This payment method is tied to a subscription and cannot be deleted. Please switch the subscription to another method first.
Payment Token
%s is required.
Unknown Error
Job data key “%s” not set
Job data key “%s” is not an array
Every %d Minutes
Background Processing Test
Run Test
This tool will test whether your server is capable of processing background jobs.
Success! You should be able to process background jobs.
Could not connect. Please ask your hosting company to ensure your server has loopback connections enabled.
Scheduled Actions
No matches found
Loading failed
Please enter 1 or more characters
Please enter %qty% or more characters
Please delete 1 character
Please delete %qty% characters
You can only select 1 item
You can only select %qty% items
Loading more results…
ProductionMaybe these texts are from WooCommerce Plugin Framework.
I could not find the translation project of the framework.Hi @gjfo ,
I my case, I made a new po file from woocommerce-square.pot by using Poedit.
I named the new po file “woocommerce-plugin-framework-ja.po” and made mo file by Poedit.And I uploaded them in the folder “/wp-content/languages/plugins/”, then translation by myself is reflected.
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