• I am suddenly getting very odd behavior in Paypal checkout AFTER a user clicks on a Paypal button on my site. Credit card payments are never processed but if user has a PayPal account and logs in, payment is successful. This only started happening this past three months which is when our members are asked to renew their subscriptions (everything worked fine in 2014).


    • User clicks on “renew” link and goes to form on our site that has a basic form with all disabled fields and one Paypal checkout button
    • User gets redirected to Paypal checkout process
    • User clicks on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” link
    • User is re-directed to credit card payment form
    • User fills out form completely
    • User clicks on “Continue” button
    • “Processing” div appears for a second then disappears
    • Nothing else happens. User is left in a lurch

    Example of the form: https://bostontec.org/join/

    Again, this only started happening recently. If user selects “Pay with Paypal” and logs into Paypal to make payment rather than attempting to pay with a credit card, everything works.

    I contacted Paypal assuming this is an issue on their end and they stated that I have to set the ‘SOLUTIONTYPE’ to ‘Sole’ in the API call for this to work. I confirmed that this is being set correctly by looking at the API Log (below). I also confirmed that the “Paypal Account Optional” setting is on in my Paypal account.


    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    LOG ENTRY: Wed Jan 6th, 2016 @ precisely 2:27 am UTC
    PHP v5.6.10 :: WordPress? v3.5.2 :: s2Member? v130221 :: s2Member? Pro v130221
    Memory 36.87 MB :: Real Memory 37.25 MB :: Peak Memory 36.97 MB :: Real Peak Memory 37.25 MB
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36
    -------- Input vars: ( Wed Jan 6, 2016 2:27:23 am UTC ) --------
    array (
      'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout',
      'RETURNURL' => 'https://bostontec.org/renew/?s2member_paypal_xco=s2member_pro_paypal_checkout_return',
      'CANCELURL' => 'https://bostontec.org/renew/?s2member_paypal_xco=s2member_pro_paypal_checkout_cancel',
      'PAGESTYLE' => 'paypal',
      'LOCALECODE' => '',
      'NOSHIPPING' => '1',
      'SOLUTIONTYPE' => 'Sole',
      'LANDINGPAGE' => 'Billing',
      'ALLOWNOTE' => '0',
      'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' => '$50 for full access until 12/31/2016',
      'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM' => 'bostontec.org',
      'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT' => '50.00',
      'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT' => '0.00',
      'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => '50.00',
      'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0' => '1',
      'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0' => '$50 for full access until 12/31/2016',
      'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0' => '1::360 D',
      'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0' => '50.00',
      'EMAIL' => '[email protected]',
      'VERSION' => '71.0',
      'USER' => 'xxxxxxx',
      'PWD' => 'xxxxxxx',
      'SIGNATURE' => 'AMl-jQ.zctnEtZ2YQN2EWmV.zojcAIg-jZMskv3ZJYElrseD6jx1MwB.',
    -------- Output string/vars: ( Wed Jan 6, 2016 2:27:23 am UTC ) --------
    array (
      'TOKEN' => 'EC-57L75424A46979545',
      'TIMESTAMP' => '2016-01-06T02:27:23Z',
      'CORRELATIONID' => '8298a92f76fd7',
      'ACK' => 'Success',
      'VERSION' => '71.0',
      'BUILD' => '18308778',


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  • I was unclear from what they wrote as to what they were going to do. Change a single page or revert the whole thing back to classic.

    I have left them to make the change on one of my sites but made the change myself on the other.

    The link to return to Classic is the last link displayed under the MORE topic category.

    I haven’t tested it yet … would be grateful if you let me know how you get on if you make the change yourself.

    My ticket number is … 160109-000011


    The payment does not work on the website linked to the PayPal account that I reverted to classic look myself. Therefore, doing this yourself probably will not work.

    I noticed that the actual card payment page was just the same and therefore not linked to the classic look in PayPal. I suspect that PayPal tech people need to manually link the old payment page to our accounts for this to work.

    So a waiting game until I hear back from them that the change has been made.

    I am experiencing the same problem and have not found a solution. I have contacted PayPal and will post back here if I find anything out.

    @fsawebmaster: You need not the “classic look”, but the “classic checkout page”. Should be (buried) in Pypal settings at your account.

    apparent resolution

    Although PayPal have not yet come back to me to confirm it, I can see that the payment page has been reverted back to classic view. I assume that their tech people have made the necessary changes. I have tested this and payments now process normally.

    I had a look into the settings as krumch suggested but really could not see any way to do this myself. I strongly recommend going through PayPal tech support to resolve this issue.

    I have no way to know how widespread the problem is. There must be plenty of people out there who have no idea that this is happening. I can’t imagine that it is only affecting WordPress users who refer to PayPal but if the bug is in the PayPal website then presumably it is affecting everyone, which would be a massive problem for PayPal and something that we would have already heard about.

    I was in touch with PayPal tech and they believe the problem is on the PayPal side. By the time I got to the final tech supprot person earlier today, the guest option problem appeared resolved. I have been testing it throughout the day and so far so good.


    Are you getting through via the classic payment page or the new one?

    Curious to know if they have actually fixed the underlying bug.

    Can’t believe the impact that this has had on me and my client. The client is even asking if he can sue PayPal.

    It is the new page. I just tried again and it is still working. I’ve made ~6 successful payments today.


    Thanks. Looks like they have sorted the bug out then.

    I have received an email from PayPal confirming that this bug has been fixed

    Thread Starter lamarant


    I have also confirmed that the express checkout on Paypal is again working. I went through the entire process and successfully made a live payment with a credit card.

    Thank you to all that helped! Paypal should issue us all hefty kickbacks for helping debug their issue!

    Pro-tip for @kts915: Though you were correct in making the obvious suggestion that the site be updated to the latest versions of both wordpress and s2member, this ended up not being the issue. Because the Paypal system works by issuing calls to an API, the WordPress framework version, and even perhaps the s2member version is irrelevant. As long as the calls to the Paypal interface are correct the system should work. This is basic knowledge of API integrations. Inspecting the API calls (in the logs provided) is the first step in correcting these kinds of bugs and going through a back-up/update/deploy/test procedure is time consuming, costly, and would have delayed this solution significantly.

    Pro-tip for @lamarant: Glad it all worked for you. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that, because that turned out to be true in your particular case, it is true as a matter of course.

    APIs are just software. Like other software, they get modified and updated frequently (especially if PayPal’s). I’m sure the devs at s2Member and every other membership and e-commerce plugin would love it if these APIs never changed. But, as you’d soon see if you read the changelogs on such software, that isn’t the case.

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