• I am creating a new website for our clinic and I can’t figure out the coding side. I created custom post types for our specialties and providers, but I am not sure how to get them to display. I need to create a template, correct? Do I need a program to do so?

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  • Hi etanner12,

    not sure if this helps but you can create custom post templates (same way you do pages) use this plugin “WP Custom Post Template” and that will give you the same template options as you do with pages.

    Thread Starter etanner12


    Thanks, I just downloaded it. I am very new to the whole coding side, so do you have steps on how to do that with the plugin for my custom posts?

    Thread Starter etanner12


    The website I am building is dev.tannerclinic.com and I am trying to create the specialty and provider pages.

    go here for the instructional screenshots

    Create a new file in the same directory/folder as your index.php of your theme and just need to add comment at the top

    ** WP Post Template: Your New Post Template Name

    as you do for page template. Do the same for each different type and upload to directory. Then you can assign this post template to the posts you want to in the admin on the side dropdown where it says “WP Post Template”

    if this is what your looking for then it should help i think

    Thread Starter etanner12


    Thank you! That makes sense but I am not quite sure how to add a new file in the same directory/folder of the index.php file. In wordpress I went to appearance-editor-main index template (index.php) and there is no button that says ‘create a new file’.

    Does that make sense? Sorry I am new to this.

    Do you have access to your site via FTP?

    @mryawn is correct.


    You will need to create that file in a text editor and upload it via FTP. Then you upload that template file in the same directory as your index.php file.

    Thread Starter etanner12


    Yes that is where I get confused.. how to create a file in a text editor (which one to download?) and upload it via FTP. I have access to the site on bluehost.com… is that where I access FTP? And how? Thank you!

    If you’re on Windows, you should have Notepad. On a Mac, you can use TextEdit. The important thing is to make sure you use a plain-text editor and not a word processor like Word.

    As for your second question, you can use FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. You should speak to BlueHost for more assistance.

    Thread Starter etanner12


    Ok I will contact them. Which template do I copy and customize? Does it matter?

    Yup, @stephencottontail is correct!


    No, just create a new file in TextEdit or Notepad and paste this:

    ** WP Post Template: Your New Post Template Name

    Save your text file, name it whatever you want as long as it has a .php extension. Upload it to your server via FTP. Make sure you upload it in the same path where the index.php file is.

    Thread Starter etanner12


    Ok will do. Thank you! Once I upload it, do I need to go in and make more changes after that?


    You will need to set your post to use your new template.


    Thread Starter etanner12


    Thanks. But do I need to add code to display it a certain way? I was reading about adding a query and loop to display our doctors/specialties a certain way?


    Yes, you would have to have a custom designed template.

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