before answering your original question regarding using a php.ini…
I tested your site using AFTER i clicked the link in your profile and sat looking at a white page while everything loaded:
it came back with, among other things:
* TOTAL_HTML – Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization.
* TOTAL_OBJECTS – Warning! The total number of objects on this page is 20 – consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external objects. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests.
* TOTAL_IMAGES – Caution. You have a moderate amount of images on this page (8 ). Consider using fewer images on the site or try reusing the same image in multiple pages to take advantage of caching.
* TOTAL_CSS – Congratulations, the total number of external CSS files on this page is 2 . Because external CSS files must be in the HEAD of your HTML document, they must load first before any BODY content displays. Although they are cached, CSS files slow down the initial display of your page.
* TOTAL_MULTIM – Caution. The total number of external multimedia files on this page is 3 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number or eliminate them altogether. Ideally you should have one (or zero) multimedia file on your page.
* TOTAL_SIZE – Warning! The total size of this page is 796776 bytes, which will load in 159.20 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Consider reducing total page size to less than 30K to achieve sub eight second response times on 56K connections. Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with feedback. Consider contacting us about our optimization services.
* TOTAL_SCRIPT – Caution. The total number of external script files on this page is 6 , consider reducing this to one or two. Combine, refine, and optimize your external script files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed scripts for high-traffic pages) on your pages.
* HTML_SIZE – Caution. The total size of this HTML file is 43346 bytes, which is above 20K but below 100K. With a 10K ad and a logo this means that your page will load in over 8.6 seconds. Consider optimizing your HTML and eliminating unnecessary features. To give your users feedback, consider layering your page or using positioning to display useful content within the first two seconds.
* IMAGES_SIZE – Warning! The total size of your images is 629231 bytes, which is over 30K. Consider optimizing your images for size, combining them, and replacing graphic rollovers with CSS.
* SCRIPT_SIZE – Warning! The total size of your external scripts is 24460 bytes, which is over 8K. Consider optimizing your scripts for size, combining them, and using compression where appropriate for any scripts placed in the HEAD of your documents.
* CSS_SIZE – Caution. The total size of your external CSS is 7655 bytes, which is above 4080 bytes and less than 8K. For external files, try to keep them less than 1160 bytes to fit within one higher-speed TCP-IP packet (or an approximate multiple thereof). Consider optimizing your CSS and eliminating features to reduce this to a more reasonable size.
* MULTIM_SIZE – Warning! The total size of your external multimedia is 92084 bytes, which is over 20K. Consider optimizing your multimedia files for size, or replacing them with lower-bandwidth alternatives, or eliminating them altogether.
In other words, that page is top heavy.
As far as a php.ini goes:
you dont create one since they have to be complete; you cannot pick and choose what you want to include. You use an already made one and change the values accordingly.
here is a complete one:
that said, I dont think a php.ini is the solution. What you have going on is a simple case of a site thats running slow because youve bogged down the pages with external links to flash files and other stuff, and your displaying 20 posts on your front page.