• Hello everyone,
    Thank you in advance for your answers, I currently have a requirement where I am asked:

    1. Display a survey on a website (this step is no problem).
    2. The results must be processed according to a set of rules and formulas to calculate the performance of each person.
    3. Generate a pdf with dynamic text according to the result of point 2.
    4. Within the pdf add a set of graphs (optional).
    5. Have the option to download the pdf after the survey

    Where I do not know what to do is in point 2 to 5, is there a plugin that does all this operation or a group of plugins that can link or some other option.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by josen96.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by josen96.
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  • Hi @josen96 ,
    You can check and test features of this plugin if that works.

    Moderator bcworkz


    2. This sounds like you’d need to develop bespoke code to calculate performance. Incorporate this into the code that processes survey submissions. This bespoke code can also accomplish the remaining steps, including offering a download link to the resulting PDF file.

    3-4. Use available libraries like FPDF or PDFlib to generate PDF files.

    5. If the generated PDF file is saved in a subfolder of /wp-content/ it’ll be available for download. Assuming you don’t apply any additional access restrictions. Let the folder inherit /wp-content/ permissions.

    Thread Starter josen96


    Thank you very much for the answers, is there any way to do it without code?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Everything in WP requires code ?? I take it you want this without bespoke code. I’m unaware of any plugins that do specifically what you want. There are likely existing plugins that would create PDF files, but I don’t think you’ll find any that will score performance and generate the report in any kind of format. It wouldn’t hurt to do some searching before embarking on a project to develop bespoke code.

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