Couple options:
1. Simplest method would be what you mention above, which is to set up a Page template for this “second index.” First you start with the custom Page template. Basic info on that is here:
Within the template you only need initialize The Loop with query_posts() and the ‘cat’ parameter, which accepts a comma-delimited list of category IDs (thus limiting posts collected by the query to those categories). Finally, create the Page (Write > Write Page) and assign that Page template to it. If the sidebar already has the Page list tag (wp_list_pages()), it will appear on the sidebar automatically.
2. This is a more brute force method, where we provide a custom GET query variable the index page will watch for. You use the same method with query_posts() above to limit posts displayed on the home page to certain categories, but code it along these lines:
<?php if( isset($_GET['limit']) ) {
} ?>
Then somewhere on the index page or sidebar or whatever, you add a link like this:
<a href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>?limit">limit home page posts</a>
When ?limit
is part of the url (this is the GET query var), query_posts() will be run. By the way, this is arbitrary; you can use home
or my_cats
as your GET — it doesn’t matter (though avoid any WordPress uses). All that matters is you check for the correct one in your if() statement.