• So I’m trying to build a plugin that allows a WordPress member to create multiple role playing characters.

    I’m not getting any error messages. It simply doesn’t install a the table I’ve commanded it to. I’ve checked my my WPDB in PHPMyAdmin for the table “myth_char”, but didn’t find it. Maybe it’s just something to do with the spacing. The codex seems to be pretty picky about that.

    * Plugin Name: Myth Create
    * Plugin URI: https://wordpress.com/
    * Description: Create and manage characters.
    * Version: 1.0
    * Author: Cody Tetreault
    * Author URI: https://www.Mythlarp.com
    * License: #ML
    {myth_create} is not intended to be to be used by any other party than the original creator. This plugin is designed only for our website, https://mythlarp.com.
    //register all hooks
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'myth_install' );
      function myth_install(){
         global $wpdb;
         global $myth_db_version;
      $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myth_char";
      $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
      $sql = "CREATE TABLE $myth_char (
          id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          char_id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          char_name varchar(20) DEFAULT 'MAJABA' NOT NULL,
          time datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY myth_char_pk char_id,
          FOREIGN KEY myth_char_fk (id) REFERENCES wp_users(id)
    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
    dbDelta( $sql );
    add_option( "myth_db_version", $myth_db_version );
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  • Thread Starter codyt


    Well I got it to work, but I haven’t found out what the source of the issue was. I’m fairly certain it was just a typo with the SQL statement I made. Again, WordPress is very particular about that. So I just did the smart thing and copied everything from the codex and then changed the information to what I needed. Now it works fine.

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