Looking at the source for the page you linked to it looks like the CSS might be here:
and that it is using your full width template but probably from the main theme directory not a child theme.
I hope that helps even it it looks like you have the site working now.
]]>No I didn’t create a child theme to handle the custom template, I am not sure how to do this! I did suspect it may have been an update that had wiped it seeing as there were no other changes made during this time. I will do some research into child themes to avoid any issues in the future.
The site is not working properly yet. I have managed to remove the sidebar but the main content area is not 100% width – would you know where to find the correct code to change for this?
Thanks so much for the help so far!
That way any changes you make to the child theme will not be lost when the parent theme updates.
As to the full width pages, I’d probably try doing it entirely with css to start with.
Put your css in the styles.css file of the child theme so you dont lose them on a theme update, or if the theme has a customizer there may be the option of add custom styles to the theme directly.
If you can use the customizer of the main theme you wont even need to use a child theme.
Let me know how you get on.
]]>I am very limited in my CSS knowledge so I am not even sure what code I need to edit the width of the content area. I followed a step by step tutorial last time.
]]>The pages I want to make full width are as follows (every page apart from the home page).
]]>body {
background: #ffffff;
.mh-container {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
You need to put it in the style.css file of the child theme or in the custom css section of the customizer if it is available in the child theme you created.
In this solution the content is still contained in a box that is 980px wide which keeps it tidy but the borders have gone so it fills the screen.
Is that sort of what you wanted?
width: 100%;
So if I add this to the ‘Additional CSS’ area in theme customization is there no reason to be using a child theme?
Thanks so much for the help!