Thanks again for the quick response. I’m not a developer so feel a little out of my element here and am trying to find a solution to this as reported by our host (WPEngine)
Don’t worry about it. My response from earlier might have been a bit too technical. My point is: having that many requests doesn’t necessarily mean that the issue is being caused by WPP. It just happens to be the plugin that makes the most requests on your site (and for good reasons too.)
WPEngine should be able to do a more exhaustive analysis of your site to be able to pinpoint the reason why these timeout errors (504) are happening. I’m not saying that WPP is not to blame here (nor that it is), what I’m saying is that blaming the plugin based on number of requests alone seems unfair. There are other things that should be checked as well (eg. Is WPP putting too much stress on the database server? Is another plugin? What are the scripts that are consuming most bandwith/RAM on your site? Is WPE 100% sure that it is your site what’s causing these issues? Etc.)
I did check w/WPEngine regarding the persistent object caching and they have an option for this through their Dashboard that was applied to the site vs. a plugin.
I thought that that was the case after posting my previous comment but thanks for confirming. Let’s assume that object caching is working as intended then.
I’ll look into Relevanssi. Thanks for that info. I’ll also pass this information along to WPEngine Support. As I mentioned before, I don’t want to remove the Popular Posts plugin. I believe this works well for our site and removing breaks the template so leaving it as is would be the best alternative.
One quick way to find out if Relevanssi is causing performance issues or not is disabling it for a few days (you don’t need to uninstall it, deactivating it should probably be enough.) As a side effect, your search form will not return results as accurate as when Relevanssi was enabled but this will help you determine whether that plugin is causing performance issues on your site (you’ll have to monitor your site’s logs to tell whether these 504 errors are still happening or not.)