You have a couple of different things going on here. The first change above will apply only to the panels on that particular page. If you want to apply that change to all panels, remove the “#pg-11-0” id from the code.
The Related Products section on the other page is using CSS from woocommerce so you’ll need another override for that. Modifying this so it’s correct in all mobile views is beyond what I can do here as the woocommerce configuration is quite complex. This code should get you close but it may not look right on a mobile phone view:
@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {
.woocommerce ul.products li.product, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product {
width: 24% !important;
margin: 0 1% 13px !important;
float: left !important;
A couple of notes:
1. I don’t usually advocate the use of the !important rule because it removes the “cascade” in CSS and overrides all other instances of that style for the targeted selectors. It can lead to issues later on when you try to make other changes and find they don’t work, only to remember that the !important rule is being invoked elsewhere. It’s needed here because the CSS you’re trying to override is already very specific.
2. One significant problem with trying to override the responsive design of a theme or plugin is that you can have many different breakpoints with the same or different selectors in each one. Within the theme or plugin they are all designed to work together to adjust the display for the viewport size. If you start changing one or two of the media queries, as we have done here, you’re likely to run into other issues.
One other thing you might consider is posting on the woocommerce support forum and see if anyone over there has already done a change like this and is willing to share the code.