Is there a script (in php for instance) which might allow me to add an user with a passord to the database of my multisite WordPress? A script outside WP, not a plugin.
I ask this because I have a system for registration of users outside the WP frame. In that general space, when the user registers, I would like to give him an automatic WP blog/page.
Is this possible?
Kind regards
]]>REST API explained in plain english:
Yes, it is the best way. So I’ll create an end point with my own credentials. Just a question if I may: inside that endpoint, is it enougn then to place
$user_id = wp_create_user( $username, $password, $email_address );
'ID' => $user_id,
'nickname' => $username
Must the user have and ID and both a username and nickname defined in wp_update_user? And I assume that the endpoint recognizes all these commands…
Sorry for the trouble.
Kind regards