Create page
If I use this plugin will it convert every page and change their appearance? I would like to create a single new page and see how it works before trying it with any other pages. I have worked hard learning and setting my current site at and I don’t want to create a problem which will require me to reconstruct my site if this isn’t going to work for me. It looks exactly like what I want, but I haven’t been too successful with backing up my system or home directory and can’t risk starting over.
I went ahead and installed Article List Manager. When I try to set up my web service from the Dashboard, and click import, it says “Remote server did not respond with neither JSON or RSS? got content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8.” I use InMotion Hosting and my site is as my URL to import. Is there something I need to do with my host provider?
Hi there!
You can only import RSS-feeds or exportable Arlima lists. If would want to setup Arlima on another website and use articles from you could import the RSS feed
However, I don’t think that’s what you want to achieve. If I understand you correctly you want to try Arlima on your website without messing up the content that is already published on the website, right? In that case all you have to do is to follow the guide in the first section at "Other Notes". You will not have to import anything, take a look at this screencast to get an idea about the general workflow when using arlima.
Good Luck, let me know if your having any problems
/ vicVic, you’ve been pretty dang helpful. First of all, I love the layout Article Lists provides and it’s exactly what I want. Problem is that I’m a newbie and although I tried to emulate the steps from the screen tutorial, I keep getting stuck on the part after enlarging the title. don’t see the except or direct link. This may be why: I use “Press This” to capture posts. You can see these posts at under “Current News” heading on the sidebar. “Press This” creates a post in WP that is linked on a page within my site rather than a direct link to the article. So it’s a 2 step process to actually open up the actual article at it’s location or website. Hence, I don’t capture the article content. I attempted to create a Blog page that would capture each post on one page thinking it might work easier but so it hasn’t. You are correct in that I want to use kind of the format I use on my home page right now but spruced up to look more elegant rather than amateurish. What do you suggest?
Okey… If you want to get rid of the second step you should link directly to the article on the remote website from Arlima. The basic workflow would look something like.
1) You spot an article on a remote website that you want to link to from
2) You go to “Manage Lists” in wp-admin of your own website.
3) Down to the right you will find a container with the label “Teaser template”. There you will find a template called “Empty teaser”. Drag the empty teaser to your list.
4) Add the content you want to be displayed in the article (title, images, text etc…)
5) In the same form that you added content for your article you will find an input labeled “Link”. Add the URL of the article on the remote site in that input field. Now when visitor clicks on the article on your website they will be redirected to the remote website immediately.Another tip: If you know that there is a website that you often link to you can import the RSS-feed of that website. This enables you to scan the content of the website directly in Arlima and also to create article using their content (I will make a screen cast for this when there’s time). Most websites that has a news flow will provide an RSS-feed, if you don’t see a link to the feed on the website it might be a good idea to send the owner of the website an e-mail and ask for the link to their RSS.
Once you have the link to the RSS-feed you go to “Web service” in wp-admin and import the list, then go back to “Manage Lists”. Now you will be able to open the article list generated from the imported RSS-feed. You can not publish the imported list but you will be able to drag articles from the imported list over to one of you own published lists. Give it a try with
/ vic
Starting to figure it out somehow. How do you insert images that 1) are located on your computer and or should be uploaded to site; and 2) the following link shows my problem:
Also, CTL P in the in the Manage Lists setup shows the primary article with 2 articles subordinate, and the 2nd 100% article is blank gray area. It looks like I’m doing it right but why doesn’t the link above at my site show the setup completely verticle without the 2 subordinate articles?
I take that back, the 2 subordinate articles show the correct placement w/o images.
I’m sorry but we are currently having a bug in the example template that appears when uploading images that’s smaller than the defined template width.
You should change the code on line 87 in /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/page-arlima.php to:
if ( !is_wp_error($resized_img) ) { $img_url = dirname($attach_url) . '/' . basename($resized_img); } else { $img_url = $attach_url; }
Having trouble finding exactly where line 87 is. I counted down manually and inserted the code and refreshed the page and it’s still the same error. Looks like it’s under “$img_class);” part but not sure where to place the code under that. Does it matter? Getting close.
You should replaced the code on line 87 to the code above.
I have created a patched code here . Replace all code in page-arlima.php with the code you can see on that page.
/ vic
Looking way better. Link is https://roundhouse
Now, there is an empty space on the left side between the top left article and the 2nd row left article because the image is so big, and maybe too much excerpt on the top right side article. If I resize the image it still stays large.
How can I make the link above display when I select “Preview List” on the Manage Lists page instead of going to the sample you sent me? If I remove the arlima-preview=1 from the page being previewed, then the Manage List “Home” page displays what I have created rather than your message in the sample code at
Also, having trouble on my 4th line where the 2 articles aren’t side by side even tho they are subordinate or underneath the large picture.
And finally, I seem to be having trouble cut and pasting excepts in the Visual or HTML tabs of the article edit. Is there a way to capture excerpts for say 50-100 words with a link to the external article site? I appreciate your quick response and I am finally starting to see the ease in setting this up. Thanks.
Home should be
Think I may have it. I had to clear cache and reduce the width and the alignment of the post. I guess now I just need to know about automatically inserting the excerpts. And still the page preview issue about removing everything past the /home/
I see now there is a button in the image box “Disconnect” Is there a reason it keeps hanging me up when I now have saved it and try to add another post to the list? I have exited and re-opened a few times, cleared my cache and it still seems hung up. It is really looking nice and I want to keep going while it’s in my mind. Thanks.
Hope I’m not getting too bothersome. I am so close. Issues remaining; 1) automatically include excerpts of 50-100 words;
Whether or not Arlima can include excerpts on articles from a remote website depends on how much of the content that is available in the RSS-feed.
If you’re talking about the excerpts of your own posts this should happen automatically if you drag the post from the search container (below the article form on the page “Manage lists”).
/ vic
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