Hi David, sorry I didn’t realize you had replied to my question. I figured out the problem. I was using Buddybuilder which is a great plugin to customize the Buddypress pages, however it was omitting the “create new doc” button on the docs profile tab. Buddybuilder was kind enough to provide a solution (see below). I changed the component.php file in Buddypress Docs and it worked. Is this something you could include in the next plugin update of Buddypress docs?
$parent_url = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_docs_get_docs_slug() );
$main_url = trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() .'/'. bp_docs_get_docs_slug() );
$mydocs_label = bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'My Docs ', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( '%s’s Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ) );
$sub_nav[] = array(
'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Started By Me', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Started By %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ),
'parent_url' => $parent_url,
'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(),
'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ),
'position' => 10
$sub_nav[] = array(
'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Edited By Me', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Edited By %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ),
'parent_url' => $parent_url,
'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(),
'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ),
'position' => 20,
$sub_nav[] = array(
'name' => bp_is_my_profile() ? __( 'Create New Doc', 'buddypress-docs' ) : sprintf( __( 'Create New Doc', 'buddypress-docs' ), bp_get_user_firstname() ),
'parent_url' => $main_url,
'parent_slug' => bp_docs_get_docs_slug(),
'screen_function' => array( &$this, 'template_loader' ),
'position' => 30,
Here are image links so you can see the before and after