I have tried to read and understand that but I am afraid I could not relate to it at all.
I was trying to use WordPress on my home computer before on host as I am new to it and I have some ubderstanding of CSS as I used Dreamweaver but cannot afford for myself now and it was time comsuming. I don’t know anything about PHP or databases.
I do not understand what database I upload.
Okay I can make up name for it.
But in this version of Mamp things are not configured for me and I have to upload an actual datanase and I need to understand what databse this actually is. I have put wordpress in htdocs which is what I did last time but last time Word press configured a the file with MAMP and it really was easy.But then there were upgrades which seem to have detached wordpress from MAMP and I was upset and spent ages trying to work out and eventually gave up and so tried to reload MAMP and WordPress and I do not understand what to do.