• Resolved aflorarte


    Good afternoon,

    I sell restricted content, (virtual products) with which it is imperative that the person open an account to access restricted content.

    1) CASE 1
    When the client DOES NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT FROM THE FORM EVERYTHING WORKS fine, and they can pay. But the system behaves as for physical products. In my case you MUST open an account, otherwise you cannot enter the pages reserved for members)

    PROBLEMS WITH PASSWORD: Even when you create the account, you get the email with the Id and password BUT that password does not work. Even when Woocommerce creates the account, and under “Users” I can see this new user having been set up, system will not recognize this new user. He is unable to log in, And also, he is unable to recover password because the email is not being recognized by the system.

    2) CASE 2
    If I configure Woocommerce Accounts and Privacy, to “DO NOT allow to purchase without having an account , the user cannot pay. The process is somehow interrupted and he is directed to empty pages (FINISH PURCHASE – PAY FOR THE ORDER- MY CART-ACCOUNT are all empty, nothing can be seen and the person cannot pay or complete the process.



    If I configure Woocommerce again in “Accounts and Privacy” as “Allow to open account “and THE user DOES OPEN an account: he experiences the same problem: again he is taken to the same empty pages illustrated above.

    I have tried every possible pc and also from my mobile, From PC I tried all browsers: Firefox, Edge, Chrome, in regular pages and in Anonimous/Private pages. I tried from my pc clearing history and clearing pc cache. In doing this I could REALIZE that by clearing history cache, AND REFRESHING THE PAGE, every data of the process are recovered and the person can pay BUT one cannot expect that the person be aware of releasing the history , clearing cache and make this strange movements in the middle of a payment process

    I am combining Woocommerce with AutomatorWP to work AFTER purchase has been completed. What I see in Automator Log REgistry is that Automator could no perform any action BECAUSE payments could not be completed.

    I have checked with my hosting provider and the server settings are set correctly.

    Please, I will be grateful if you help me fix this error.

    Thank you and regards


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter aflorarte


    Sorry as I forgot to mention that I am experiencing this with MercadoPago Checkout Woocommerce addon

    Thread Starter aflorarte


    and every further movement that the user does redirects him to any page

    Please forgive me for these forgotten details in my first post


    Mirko P.


    Hi @aflorarte,

    This kind of problem is usually caused by a conflict with your theme or with another plugin. The best way to determine this is to:

    • Temporarily switch your theme to Storefront
    • Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce
    • Repeat the action that is causing the problem
    • If you’re not seeing the same problem after completing the conflict test, then you know the problem was with the plugins and/or theme you deactivated.

      To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each, until you find the one causing conflict.

      You can find a more detailed explanation on how to do a conflict test here.

      Please make sure you have a backup in place of your site and database. You could also consider using a service like Jetpack. If something goes wrong, it’s nice to know that you can restore your site to the previous state.

      I’d also suggest installing a plugin called Health Check & Troubleshooting. This is a plugin developed by the WordPress community and it allows you to disable plugins without affecting your current site visitors.


    Thread Starter aflorarte


    Hi, @rainfallnixfig and thank you so much for your feedback

    Please notice that prior to placing this ticket I had already gone through every step of the processes you have just mentioned. (of de-activating and re-activating plugins) I also did this with the help of my Hosting Provider. I have backups already saved, and fortunately, my site reports to be in good health

    Thank you so much for the tips regarding jetPack I will install them shortly

    Regarding the themes issue, I tried with different themes:

    Woocommerce StoreFront
    Woocommerce Deli

    They all report the same problem.

    Everything seems to end up concluding that the problem is MercadoPago plugin, Proof of this is that PayPal does not report the same problem. It works fine. Now the main problem with MercadoPago is that they do not respond to queries. I have posted queries both in their official site and also, in the community forums that i have been suggested in this forum yesterday. So I will try to uninstall it and re-install it again taking every precaution you have just suggested.

    Now, IF YOU ALLOW ME TO ASK, please

    I got pretty confused regarding Woocommmerce behaviour in ACcounts and Privacy Settings. So the question is:

    I used to have this setting:
    but this configuration retrieved errors.

    In case I DISALLOW like in:
    https://recorreba.com/creacion-de-cuenta-habilitado.jpg , will Woococmmerce still create an account and a User???

    Because I need to use Automator in order to assign a role to New user and grant him permission to access restricted content he purchased, the following doubt comes in:

    1) If I set up Woocommmerce ACcount & Privacy like: https://recorreba.com/creacion-de-cuenta-inhabilitado.jpg, will Woocommerce definetely NOT create account and leave way to Automator?

    2) And at the same time, I configure Automator to
    Create New User after purchase is completed AND ADD a role to user (see https://recorreba.com/automator-creates-new-user-adds-role.jpg) Will this settiings conflict with Woocommmerce?? Or are they ok??

    I am looking to avoid any possible plugin conflicts

    Your advice will be so much appreciated!!!

    Thank you very much in advance


    Mirko P.


    Hi Liliana @aflorarte,

    In case I DISALLOW like in:https://recorreba.com/creacion-de-cuenta-habilitado.jpg , will Woococmmerce still create an account and a User???

    If the “Allow customers to create an account on the My account page” option is enabled, the registration form will be visible:

    Link to image: https://i.imgur.com/4DlKfk9.png

    Instead, if that option is disabled, only the login form will be displayed:

    Link to image: https://i.imgur.com/3DLsFJq.png

    As you have the “Allow customers to create an account during checkout” option enabled. customers will be still able to create an account during the checkout process.

    If I set up Woocommmerce ACcount & Privacy like: https://recorreba.com/creacion-de-cuenta-inhabilitado.jpg, will Woocommerce definetely NOT create account and leave way to Automator?

    With that setup, WooCommerce will not create an account as the customer is only allowed to Guest checkout.

    And at the same time, I configure Automator to
    Create New User after purchase is completed AND ADD a role to user (see https://recorreba.com/automator-creates-new-user-adds-role.jpg) Will this settiings conflict with Woocommmerce?? Or are they ok??

    If you’re using a 3rd party plugin to manage account registration, then this will override the default WooCommerce configuration. You’ll want to contact the 3rd party plugin authors for any support with that functionality.


    Thread Starter aflorarte


    `Hello again and thank you SO much for your comprehensive reply!!!

    Now, sorry as I still have this confusion:

    Because some of these plugins combinations produce a crash, and I still cannot identify which of all settings is the wrong one, Let me share with you my purpose

    What I want is to NOT allow anybody to register UNLESS they make a purchase. Also, In order to avoid any risk like spam or fake orders, or simply to be on the safe side, I think I should prefer to set up https://i.imgur.com/3DLsFJq.png

    1) Now, here my firs doubt is under https://recorreba.com/wp-admin/options-general.php Should I “Allow” or “Disallow”: “anybody can register” —-> (where Default would be: “Cient” or “Subscriber”? I ask this because I need Woocommerce to register the client and create an account for this client)

    2) I need that Account Creation be Mandatory during Checkout, (in order for subscribers be able to access the restricted content that they bought ) Then, I need to have Woocommerce automatically create the account during checkout process, send the buyer email with his credentials so the person can log in.

    Having said this, I still don′t fully understand if I have to configure like this: https://recorreba.com/creacion-de-cuenta-habilitado.jpg
    Or if I should configure like this: https://recorreba.com/no-permite-sin-cuenta.jpg —> PLEASE NOTICE: This latter one is my current setting hoping that Woocommerce be forced to create an account during checkout process, send buyer email with his login credentials, so he can log in.
    Please correct me if i′m wrong having chosen this configuration to “Yes” allow purchases to guests, but automatically create for them an account with their data.

    Now, my doubt in these settings is what happens with an existing customer: someone who, having purchased a course in the past (so he already has an account) would eventually be willing to purchase a different course in the future.

    I appologize for so many questions but the reason is that I have already tried so many combinations that I ended up completely confused.

    I appreciate your feedback very much.

    Have a great weekend!!


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.
    Mirko P.


    Hi again,

    What I want is to NOT allow anybody to register UNLESS they make a purchase.

    If I understand correctly, you want to allow guest checkout but also automatically create a user profile in the background when guest user makes a purchase, right? In that case, this article from UsersInsights is what you should read to achieve that:


    I need that Account Creation be Mandatory during Checkout, (in order for subscribers be able to access the restricted content that they bought ) Then, I need to have Woocommerce automatically create the account during checkout process, send the buyer email with his credentials so the person can log in.

    If you want the guest user to create an account at checkout you need to enable “Allow customers to create an account during checkout” next to Account creation, automatically generate username & password, and disable Guest checkout:

    Link to image: https://i.imgur.com/7ebmzO4.png

    You can try these behaviors by using a test email address. Each time you can then delete the test user from WP Admin > Users and try all different options.


    Thread Starter aflorarte


    Hello again, Mirko and thanks a lot for your help

    I carefully read the links you have provided, However, this was as it appears a PHP problem and I could partially solve the issue upgrading PHP version from 7.3 to 7.4

    That change and another change in MercadoPago settings from what they call “Modal” to “Redirect” This means that in Modal setting the checkout process was completed within my website. Now the client is redirected to MercadoPago website. So that solved an important part of the issue.

    I still have a problem, though and it is that Log-out is IMPOSSIBLE

    If for whichever reason, in the middle of checkout process, the person decides to Not buy, or if internet connection is cut off, woocommerce would have already created the account for him. But, having purchased nothing, client will still experience those annoying blank pages.


    The same goes for he who purchased a membership BUT his membership has expired. Once he has logged in, he has no way to log out. He cannot even make a purchase if he wanted to.
    You feel as you were trapped in my website; that is most annoying experience too.

    The only way you can log out is by cleaning history in the pc, and refreshing the browser. But again, I would so much like to avoid clients to have to do such a bizarre movement.

    What you would experience in my web is that it is slow, could any of this be the reason???

    Is there a way to create a custom link for logging out?

    Guided by Woocommerce/advance, I tried creating a couple of Log-Out links. Unfortunately, neither of them work:

    https://recorreba.com/customer-logout/ OR

    Both of them will invariably redirect my client to my custom 404 page, https://recorreba.com/registrarse/

    I also searched the web but could not find an easy way to create this link.

    Please, could you possibly help me solve this issue and guide me to create a log-out link so that I can offer a more friendly experience in my web so that clients be able to safely log out.

    I will be so grateful!!

    Again, I thank you SO much! in advance


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.
    Mirko P.


    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting back.

    I’m not sure how your member area is set up but the default My Account Page in WooCommerce has a logout button that works flawlessly. Here’s what it looks like once the customer has logged in:


    For further customization, I can recommend reaching out to a developer locally or to someone from our customizations page https://woocommerce.com/customizations/


    Thread Starter aflorarte


    Hello, Mirko,

    Thank you again for replying.

    I have read https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/getting-started/the-my-account-page/#dashboard and this is the problem. In My ACcount this log out option does not show up for “Clients” who had not made a purchase or whose membership expired.

    In case I am not been making myself understood, you are invited to experience the issue for yourself with a test client from :

    USER: [email protected]
    PASSWORD: Xq2sINlJ(KGhao8@RzEX8$G5

    This is someone who in the middle of a purchase, decided to interrup and made no purchase at all. Woocommerce, however, created account for him in this process,
    Now, he can log in BUT cannot log out unless he cleans history and refreshes his browser

    Of course, I should probably be asking for a developers help , but I make this commment in the forum in case you can identify the issue and make a suggestion.

    Thank you again and regards


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by aflorarte.
    Mirko P.


    Hey @aflorarte,

    Thanks for getting back.

    In My ACcount this log out option does not show up

    You’re absolutely correct here. The log-out is not showing up on your “My Account” page because that’s not the default Account page created by WooCommerce.

    Your theme or a plugin is overriding that page. Since we do not have access to the backend we can’t really check further here and also your page has restrictions that do not allow me to see its HTML:

    I would suggest trying to get assistance from what is controlling the account page which could be either the theme or a plugin. If any intervention on the code is needed you’ll want to look for a developer to help you with that.


    Thread Starter aflorarte


    Hi Mirko!

    These are my Woocommerce settings. https://recorreba.com/mi-cuenta-config.jpg

    That must be the default Spanish versioin for My ACcount page as I haven′t created any custom page for My Account.

    Anyway, again, Mirko, I appreciate your help so much. As it appears I will have to do as you say, try a developer help ;))

    Have a great day!


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