Create a public upload facility
I am currently (and have been for some months now) attempting to build a section of a home improvements website where members of the public can upload images of features that they have seen (eg kitchen tiles or bathroom suite etc), which they would like in their home.
A signup/login will be required (which I think I have sorted) then the prospective client will upload images of these features they would like, along with a description. These images cannot be made public due to possible copyright infringements. Instead, they would need to be viewable by admin only. However, a preview of the newly uploaded image is required for the client.
I have installed both NetGEN and Public Uploader but I’m unsure of the best way to proceed. Any help would be gratefully received.The site is temporally hosted here and requires login to view.
Username is ‘john’
Password is ‘bosworth’
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