• kellye


    Hi, I am having the most crazy problem with my sidebar code.

    I’ve had my blog for years (the Maximum Customer Experience Blog). I make a few tweaks now and then, but essentially it’s been unchanged for the last 2 years with no problems. Then recently (a couple of weeks ago) my footer crept up into my sidebar and I had to wait ’til I had time, to look into the problem.

    Turns out that with no reason/ no changes on my part, the end of my sidebar code had disappeared, meaning the last few items were missing and the div did not end!

    I though maybe it was because I’d kept an old version of WP for so long (2.8 I think I had… if it ain’t broke, why fix it?).

    So now that it’s broken, I upgraded to WP 3.0.5. Then I put the code back in to add in the items that had disappeared and the end of the div, etc.; checked the blog, and it looked lovely.

    Until I checked back later in the day, and the problem had returned. I pasted the needed code back in, updated/saved again, checked the blog, and again it looked fine.

    Until I checked it today!! The code is cut off in the same place as before (it cuts off in the middle of a word, so I remember that it’s in the same place). So now I’ve pasted the code back in—the same code that has not been changed and never had a problem before—and updated it *again,* and it all looks fine *again.*

    I’d like to think that this time is the charm, but I kind of doubt it… So in case there’s a known issue, I thought I’d better post and see whether anyone’s heard of this happening recently. Thanks!

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  • Moderator t-p


    to troubleshoot, you may try:

    -deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to narrow down and possibly fix the problem. If the problem goes away, activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the culprit.

    -switching to the default theme (“twentyten”) for a moment by renaming your current theme’s folder in wp-content/themes. The idea is to force WordPress to fall back to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific issue.

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