• I looked at Google Webmaster tools today, and discovered that my weblog intheboatshed.net has literally hundreds of crawl errors.

    I don’t really know what they mean, but I’m sure they’re not at all good thing in SEO terms. So what’s the best way to get rid of them please? I’m using Wp 3.2.1 with a slightly adapted version of the 2010 theme (I changed some type sizes).

    I’m also using a long-ish list of plugins including

    AdSense Now!, Akismet, Anti Feed-Scraper Message, Google+ Plugin, Google Analyticator, Google News Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support, Google XML Sitemaps, Hello Dolly, Jetpack by WordPress.com, Official StatCounter Plugin, Privacy Policy, Redirection, SEO Friendly Images, Simple Google Sitemap, Text Link Ads, WordPress Database Backup, WordTwit, WP Super Cache, and WPtouch.

    My guess is that these problems have been building up over several years. If that’s so, how do I best get rid of them please?

    Thanks, Gavin Atkin

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  • If you are using Google Webmaster Tools, why do you have so many Google plugins? I believe all that is needed is for the Google Analytics code to be placed properly within the site and they do the rest, no plugins required – Also, does Google really have any official WordPress plugins? A search of Google itself only points to other sites stating an official plugin for WordPress, or apps etc. that third parties have created…I did not find that Google had made such an announcement or had any page related to any official WordPress plugins.

    Without reviewing the Redirection plugin, just using a redirect would cause crawl issues.

    Additionally, Caching plugins can interfere.

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