i discovered that the problem is with mb_strtolower
. it is an extension on php7, so it is not installed on my remote dev server.
it is used in function translierate
so i can easily solve my problem on dev server, but i do not know about production server yet.
but what i think is if we do lower the string in the end, why not just make symbol_table
be in lower case in the first place? what do you think?
public function transliterate( $string ) {
// define symbols table
$symbol_table = array(
'А' => 'A', 'Б' => 'B', 'В' => 'V', 'Г' => 'G', 'Д' => 'D',
$symbol_table = apply_filters( 'dco_rf_symbol_table', $symbol_table );
// transliterate
$dco_string = strtr( $string, $symbol_table );
$dco_string = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9<code></code>
'_\-\.]/", '-', $dco_string );
return apply_filters( 'dco_rf_transliterate', mb_strtolower( $dco_string, 'UTF-8' ), $string, $symbol_table );
Call to undefined function mb_strtolower()
return apply_filters( 'dco_rf_transliterate', mb_strtolower( $dco_string, 'UTF-8' ), $string, $symbol_table );
Backtrace from Exception
In /var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-content/plugins/dco-russian-fixes/class.dco-russian-fixes-base.php [line 65]:
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line 288] calling transliterate()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php [line 203] calling apply_filters()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php [line 1945] calling apply_filters()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-admin/includes/menu.php [line 60] calling sanitize_title()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-admin/menu.php [line 286] calling require_once()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-admin/admin.php [line 140] calling require()
/var/www/bv-store/wp/wp-admin/options-general.php [line 10] calling require_once()
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by