Hey @cvh-design – Thanks to the amazing team behind Oxygen, I was able to test it straight away. The problem was due to the output buffering of the plugin. This resulted in returning nothing since the buffer was called twice. It’s not important that you need to understand what exactly was going on, but that I was able to fix it. ??
I created an integration for the Oxygen builder that deactivates the functionality as long as you are within the page builder itself.
I also created a pre-version for you so that you can make your site work again with the plugin straight away.
You can leave this plugin active and use it as before since I added the integration to our upcoming version. This will allow you to update to the new version as soon as it is released, without worrying about losing the feature. ??
Here’s the link to the demo version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0mth4lsgsq8zde1/email-encoder-bundle-oxygen.zip?dl=1
If you have further questions, feel free to reach out at any time.