You missed 3 links.
1. On the plugins main ‘description’ page there is a ‘How to report a problem’ link.
2. On the FAQ the very first entry answer is: ‘Please read Reporting Issues for Advanced Responsive Video Embedder’ – linked.
3. When you come to the WordPress support forum there is a yellow sticky thread ‘For support please visit’ at the very top. People ignore it continuously. Inside this thread there is the 3rd link.
Still people keep posting bad and unwanted reports on this forum over and over again. But it gets worse. Some people actually find their way to my support site and they click on ‘Ask Question’. There is this text on the very top of the form: ‘Make sure to follow the instructions here carefully before posting a support question for ARVE’ with the 4th link to the same page. And still they ignore it and post questions without the basic information.
Then there are the people who actually read it, or at least parts of it, then come back to the forums here and post anyway.
I am fed up with this, its just pure ignorance!
So here once again the link –
Reporting Issues for Advanced Responsive Video Embedder
I reserve the right to mark any question asked in this forum as ‘no support question’ or ‘resolved’ and to delete every support question on my site that is not giving me the information I need. I request a little bit reading and effort from people who request free support. I am also obviously not doing this to annoy people, I am doing this so I can actually see the HTML output in peoples sites so I can actually help. Also to detect compatibility issue right away because there are very very often.
Obviously not every question needs all the info I ask for, but thats op for everyone to figure out themselves.
Also people continue to use the plugin rating system to bug reports and the rules/moderators and not doing anything about it. Its much worse on other plugins I have seen.