• Resolved tatof



    Using your plugin for some years now, really happy with it!
    I’m having a problem with prefilling the field in the template function of CPT.

    How are the fields saved? and how can I populate them?
    Below all the options I tried without luck ??

    'template' => array(
    array('tatof/usp', array(
    'data'=> [
    'fontawesome_field' => '<i class="fa-classic fa-light fa-check fa-fw"></i>',
    'fontawesome_field' => 'field_677e951905035',

    ===== OR =====

    'template' => array(
    array('tatof/usp', array(
    'data'=> [
    'fontawesome_field' => 'fa-classic fa-light fa-check',
    'fontawesome_field' => 'field_677e951905035',

    ===== OR =====

    'template' => array(
    array('tatof/usp', array(
    'data'=> [
    'fontawesome_field' => 'check',
    'fontawesome_field' => 'field_677e951905035',

    ===== OR =====

    'template' => array(
    array('tatof/usp', array(
    'data'=> [
    'fontawesome_field' => [
    'element' => '',
    'class' => 'fa-classic fa-light fa-check',
    'id' => 'check',
    'family' => 'classic',
    'style' => 'light',
    'prefix' => 'fa-classic fa-light',
    'hex' => '\\f00c',
    'unicode' => '?',
    'fontawesome_field' => 'field_677e951905035',

    ===== OR =====

    'template' => array(
    array('tatof/usp', array(
    'data'=> [
    'fontawesome_field' => ['id' => 'check'],
    'fontawesome_field' => 'field_677e951905035',
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Thread Starter tatof


    Can’t edit my post, anyhow there is an error in the code missing an _ in the second data row. This is a copy past error. not live code

    Plugin Author Matt Keys


    Well I am not 100% sure I follow what you are trying to do. What function exactly are you passing this array of arguments to?

    It might be helpful to create a field and assign it to a post/page. And then go create a new post and select the icon you want, and look at the post meta for that page/custom field in the database to see how it is stored (big json string).

    Thread Starter tatof


    Hey Matt,

    In ACF its possible to pre-populate fields in blocks that are part of the CPT.
    So when I make a new CPT “page” there will be standard blocks with populated acf fields.

    Below a little demo how I register a Custom post type with a standard template that is pre-populated. Pre-populate any field works fine, text / image / repeater / etc. But I can’t figure out how to pre-populate the font-awesome field. How do you store the data?

    function tf_post_types(){

    $args = array(
    'labels' => $labels,
    'public' => true,
    //'exclude_from_search' => false,
    //'publicly_queryable' => true,
    'has_archive' => true,
    'hierarchical' => false,
    'query_var' => true,
    'show_in_rest' => true,
    'maybe_has_archive_page' => true,
    'can_export' => true,
    'menu_position' => 3,
    'menu_icon' => 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode($icon),
    'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'woonlocaties','with_front' => false,'feeds' => true ), // URL, Remove slug prefix "blog", Enable feed
    'supports' => array( 'title','editor','thumbnail','revisions','excerpt','author','page-attributes'),
    'taxonomies' => array( 'locaties','woontype' ),
    'template' => array(
    array( 'core/heading', array(
    'level' => 3,
    'placeholder' => 'Schrijf titel',
    'content' => 'This will be pre-populated content',
    array('core/paragraph', array(
    'placeholder' => 'Schrijf tekst',
    'content' => 'This will be pre-populated content',
    array( 'tatof/usp',
    'data' => [
    'block_usps_usps_0_buu_icon' => '<i class="fa-classic fa-light fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
    '_block_usps_usps_0_buu_icon' => 'field_677e951905035',
    'block_usps_usps_0_buu_title' => 'Uniek voordeel',
    '_block_usps_usps_0_buu_title' => 'field_677e951908b44',
    'block_usps_usps_0_buu_text' => 'Suspendisse dolor nibh, finibus a malesuada quis',
    '_block_usps_usps_0_buu_text' => 'field_677e95190c7a9',
    'block_usps_usps_1_buu_icon' => '<i class="fa-classic fa-light fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
    '_block_usps_usps_1_buu_icon' => 'field_677e951905035',
    'block_usps_usps_1_buu_title' => 'Uniek voordeel',
    '_block_usps_usps_1_buu_title' => 'field_677e951908b44',
    'block_usps_usps_1_buu_text' => 'Suspendisse dolor nibh, finibus a malesuada quis',
    '_block_usps_usps_1_buu_text' => 'field_677e95190c7a9',
    'block_usps_usps' => 2,
    '_block_usps_usps' => 'field_677e9518d76ae',
    register_post_type( $customposttype, $args );
    add_action( 'init', 'tf_post_types' );
    Thread Starter tatof


    Maybe this screen record helps to explain the problem: https://devtof.nl/prepop.mp4

    Plugin Author Matt Keys


    I believe you will need to provide the JSON here. An example would be:

    {"family" : "classic", "style" : "regular", "id" : "block-quote", "label" : "Block Quote", "unicode" : "e0b5"}

    If you are unsure how to generate this JSON, it might be helpful to select an icon through an ACF field in one of your posts/pages and then look at the wp_postmeta table to find that value stored as you need it.

    Thread Starter tatof


    thanks, will try that next week. (no time now)

    Thread Starter tatof


    Yes Json is the fix! thanks ?? works perfectly

    array( 'tatof/usp',
    'data' => [
    'block_usps_usps_0_buu_icon' => '{"element" : "", "class" : "fa-classic fa-light fa-check", "id" : "check", "family" : "classic", "style" : "light", "prefix" : "fa-classic fa-light", "hex" : "\\f00c", "unicode" : "?"}',
    '_block_usps_usps_0_buu_icon' => 'field_677e951905035',
    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by tatof.
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