• First, let me say that the wp_cron did work for me.

    But I’m not a newbie to cPanel cron jobs, and I have 4 running on the same domain/server on which I tried to activate the EAN cPanel cron job.

    No luck, after several tries.

    The diagnostic email I received indicated “500 Internal Server Error”.

    The error log shows:
    "Undefined index: argv in ean-schedule-newsletter.php, line 4"

    Then, as one would expect, line 13 failed: wp-config could not be opened.

    Even after modifying php.ini to turn ON “register_argc_argv”, the same problem occured.

    It seems that $_SERVER isn’t returning some indices. I’ve had other problems in the past with my own cron-driven scripts when I tried to reference the $_SERVER global. And the manual at php.net warns us that this is often the case with CLI programs.

    Any thoughts about a fix for this?

    Jeff Cohan


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