I don’t know why you review our plugin like that. All what you’re saying here is how our plugin means to work.
Our plugin only sends coupon one time because this is what it should be. You will not want a customer reviews a product again and again just to get coupon, right?
And regarding review reminder, logged in or non-logged in user is not the case here, our plugin will check if a user(or email) had reviewed a product or not so that it only sends review reminder if that user(email) hasn’t reviewed a product. If a customer buys the same product for the 2nd, 3rd… time and he/she already reviewed that product after his/her 1st purchase, do you still want to send reminder to him/her after his/her 2nd, 3rd… purchase?
And if a customer bought 10 different products in one order and he/she already reviewed 9 out of that 10 products, do you want all 10 products or just one product that he/she has not reviewed to be included in reminder email?
Please read and answer all these questions yourself and tell me what is good. Hope you will understand what i’m trying to say here.
Best regards