• Hi, it’s some weeks that when we add a new store, the ‘country’ field is misbehaving. If I click ‘preview location’, the location shown is correct, but the name of the country inside the field is translated to malayalam and is then displayed both in the backend and in the frontend (store list and infobox) in this language.

    This happens at least in three different installations I have.
    WordPress and the store locator are updated, we use polylang pro too.


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  • Hi there!

    As you may have read in our translations article, we have used and tested the WPML translation plugin, but there are dozens more such as Polylang, and unfortunately it is unfeasible for us to offer support for all of them.

    The good thing is that if your translation plugin supports standard PO/MO files (and I think Polylang does), as long as you can generate those, you are good to go. Please read the instructions on the article I mentioned before, that should do the trick. ??


    Thread Starter essep


    Ok, I have translated the strings through polylang as suggested, my backend is in english so no need to translate those. The problem still persists though.
    I have tried on an installation that uses wp store locator but not polylang and the issue is not present, so as you said it may be a compatibility problem.

    Hi again,

    As long as the translation files (both .mo and .po with their proper naming convention) are where Wp Store Locator expects them to be (that, is either /wp-content/languages/wp-store-locator or /wp-content/plugins/wp-store-locator/languages), then the strings should get translated in the frontend.

    Please double check and let us know what happened.

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