• Usce


    Hi everyone,

    I’m creating options in my theme customizer based on number of top level items in currently active menu. I want to create options dynamically, and exclude submenu items from creating options, only options for top level menu items should be created.
    This is the code I wrote:

    $dc_get_menu = wp_get_nav_menu_items('Main menu');
        $counter = 0;
    	foreach($dc_get_menu as $key => $menu_item) {
    		if ($menu_item->menu_item_parent != 0 ) continue;
    		 $wp_customize->add_setting( 'dc_menu_icon_' . $counter, array( 
    		    'default' => ' '
    	     ) );
            $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Control( $wp_customize, 'dc_menu_icon_' . $counter, array(
                'label' => 'Menu icon ' . $counter,
                'section' => 'divi_center_menu_icons',
                'settings' => 'dc_menu_icon_' . $counter,
            ) ) );

    It is actually working. But my questions is I have this part here:

    if ($menu_item->menu_item_parent != 0 )

    I used if from other stackoveflow code snippet and implemented here. As can be seen on reference page here:

    menu_item_parent: The DB ID of the nav_menu_item that is this item’s menu parent, if any. 0 otherwise.

    By definition, here if menu item doesn’t have parent 0 should be returned. However when I use to check if ID is 0, I get submenu items counted. And when I use to check if not 0, I got only top level menu items.

    I like to understand my code, even if I somehow made it working, but this is situation where I don’t completely understand why is it working, and even more important is this the best way to do it, and would appreciate if you provide explanation for it.

    Thank you! ??

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  • Joy


    By definition, here if menu item doesn’t have parent 0 should be returned. However when I use to check if ID is 0, I get submenu items counted. And when I use to check if not 0, I got only top level menu items.

    I can understand your code and why it works, but I can’t understand your statement above.
    if ($menu_item->menu_item_parent != 0 ) continue;

    This is not a function call, as it sort of sounds like you think it might be. The menu_item_parent if one of the properties of each menu item. It is set to 0, unless there is a parent item, in which case it is set to the parent’s ID. The if statement skips all the menu items which have a non-zero parent, in other words, there is a parent ID there, so it is a submenu.

    Thread Starter Usce


    I just see from quote, that I used word return in wrong context, sorry for that, I wasn’t trying to express about it as a function.

    I actually was bit confused by if statement the way it was written (haven’t used continue before), as I sourced that from other code snippet. Now I understand how it works, after bit of research and as you explained me that it skips menu items with non-zero parent.

    Thank you for taking time to clarify this ??

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