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  • Plugin Author ScorpionGod


    Thanks for your comment.

    Yes, I have planned to release a new version with many features, but currently busy with few projects. As soon as I get the right time, I’ll do that.

    You can add counters on Pages & Posts by changing this line of code. I assume you’re using a HTML5 Genesis Theme.

    //* Display Optimized Social Share Counters HTML-5 Themes
    if ( $genesis_html5_check = true ) {
    	add_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'optimized_counters_html5', 1 );
    	function optimized_counters_html5() {
    		if ( is_single() ) {
    			echo '<!-- Counters by Genesis Optimized Social Share Plugin -->';
    			echo '<div id="optimizedsocial">';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox">';
    			echo '<div class="fb-like" data-href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" data-send="false" data-layout="box_count" data-show-faces="false"></div></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox"><a rel="nofollow" href="" data-url="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" data-text="' . urlencode( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ) ) . '" data-count="vertical" class="twitter-share-button">Tweet</a></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox"><div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-annotation="vertical-bubble" data-height="60"></div></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox pinterest"><a class="pin" href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '&description=' . urlencode( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ) ) . '" data-pin-do="buttonPin" count-layout="vertical" data-pin-config="above">PinIt</a></div>';
    			echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
    			echo '</div>';
    			echo '<!-- Counters by Genesis Optimized Social Share Plugin End -->';

    Above code to this one

    //* Display Optimized Social Share Counters HTML-5 Themes
    if ( $genesis_html5_check = true ) {
    	add_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'optimized_counters_html5', 1 );
    	function optimized_counters_html5() {
    			echo '<!-- Counters by Genesis Optimized Social Share Plugin -->';
    			echo '<div id="optimizedsocial">';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox">';
    			echo '<div class="fb-like" data-href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" data-send="false" data-layout="box_count" data-show-faces="false"></div></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox"><a rel="nofollow" href="" data-url="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" data-text="' . urlencode( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ) ) . '" data-count="vertical" class="twitter-share-button">Tweet</a></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox"><div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-annotation="vertical-bubble" data-height="60"></div></div>';
    			echo '<div class="socialbox pinterest"><a class="pin" href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '&description=' . urlencode( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ) ) . '" data-pin-do="buttonPin" count-layout="vertical" data-pin-config="above">PinIt</a></div>';
    			echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
    			echo '</div>';
    			echo '<!-- Counters by Genesis Optimized Social Share Plugin End -->';

    Let me know, if you have any more questions.

    works but is no difference between the number of shares and the no. of like in counters.
    Missing something in
    /////* Outputting 4 Social Scripts Asynchronously
    add_action( ‘genesis_after’, ‘social_counter_scripts’ );///?

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