Peter I am sorry that we did not respond to your support post 4 months ago. Page Views Count is 1 of 106 plugins that we have built and maintain over the last 5 years. 19 of those are Free to use plugins here on www.remarpro.com
Peter to explain our plugins a bit – we only build plugins that we actively use to create features in our Website Development work for our business customers. We have 150+ Business clients that we have built and host their website for them ( We use PVC on almost all of those site – clients love it)
The second type of customer we have are those that purchase an annual subscription to use one of our premium plugins. For that subscription they get automatic maintenance updates, new feature upgrades and priority support via support.a3rev.com. We have approx 8,500 of those customers.
Page View Count is a completely Free plugin (no premium upgrade). Time only permits us to ensure the plugin is working bug free on our clients sites. We do look at the support forum occasionally (usually when there is a Major WordPress new version like WP 4.9.0 ) – if we see a bug report we do try and recreate it on our local – but if we can’t and don’t see the issue on our client sites we don’t reply.
It is nothing personal – it really is just a time issue. The plugin is provided Free of charge and we do maintain it.
We have been working on a way that we can provide timely support and a first step a few months back we launched a public Github Repo for PVC so that others can contribute to the maintenance and development of the plugin. If you are interested please get involved with the plugins development on that repo.
We also have been working a new plugin – a3rev Dashboard that when launched will allow users to connect with the support.a3rev.com forum from their plugin. From the a3rev Dashboard you will be able to post support tickets and get a response for PVC from your dashboard. This will make it possible for us to manage the support in a much more timely fashion.
We have also just put out another new ‘maintenance version’ 2.0.2 with 3 bug fixes – 2 from recent support requests on here and 1 we found ourselves. Please be sure to upgrade.