• counter-problem version 2.03

    probably for multisite you select in wp_top_ten

    postnumber + blog_ID

    having a single-site WP installation:

    I find now for a post 2 entries with identical Postnumber but different blog_ID (0 vs 1)

    so I can say:
    either: you changed the blog_id for single-site from 0 to 1 in the last update (which was done automatically, I cant trace that)

    or the blog_id changes from 0 to 1 when the posts publication-status changes from PRIVAT to PUBLIC

    in any case: the counter-selection is done via postnumber x blog_ID and this leads to errors in my site.

    xxx Heli

    by the way: one of the most important and best plugins I know, donated already twice!


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  • Thread Starter HeliR


    My single-site-blog has about 1200 active posts plus about 60 pages.

    in wp_top_ten:
    I find about 90 entries with blog_ID=0, partially double posts, mostly only cntaccess=1 but some old ones (low postnumber) with higher hitnumbers

    picture of blog_ID=0 with higher hitnumbers

    the other 1200 entries in wp_top_10 have blog_ID=1

    So it cant be just a recent bug.

    I have no idea why some of this (old) posts are counted with 2 different blog_IDs

    I don’t understand the logic behind blog_ID selector here on my single-site WP installation, as it does not separate private / public / pages / posts,
    it counts posts double long ago and now – this is definitly some bug.

    Another Picture showing very old post being counted double with blog_id=1 and blog_id=0

    I am not skilled enough but I guess I have to clean out the double entries, consolidate them to blog-id=1 (add up double counting) and put every posts/page blog_ID to 1, am I right?

    Mybe you can create some SQL-Statement that does that for us, I guess we are 100000 Users, it takes 1-2h, so you could save the planet a tremendous amount of energy if you clean this problem with some code.

    here is another screencut of the database with some double counted recent posts showing the problem

    the versions 2.0.X has too many bugs, and just like Helir i found those bugs with same posts with 0 and 1 blog_id on table. so i prefer to stay to until developer make it work properly

    Plugin Author Ajay


    @helir, firstly thank you for your words of praise and the donations. They help!

    The blog_id 0 posts is due to an upgrade not going through properly and also an issue with the tracking pre v2.0.2

    Please see this post for a fix to get the blog_id 0 items changed to blog_id 1


    @aldon, v2.0.3 has fixed most of the bugs so far. There are still some issues with tracking on some sites, particularly with caches on which I am running some tests on my several blogs.
    I believe I might be close to fixing them. (I have aggressive caching with a combination of Varnish and CloudFlare)

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