Which view is this in? If you’re looking to set the number of days total to show, use limitdays
. If you want to limit to a certain number of events per day, there is not a direct way to do that, but you can achieve that effect with CSS:
.ics-calendar .events .event:nth-of-type(n+7) { display: none; }
You might need to experiment a bit, but this is the basic idea. There are not many cases where users would want to limit the number of events per day, because that will arbitrarily leave out relevant events, so I’m unlikely to add this option directly.
However, the pro version does have another layout —?“month view with sidebar” that might suit this type of need. It only shows a maximum of 3 events per day in the month grid, with a note indicating how many additional events there are. To the side of the month grid there’s a daily view that shows all events for that day. Click on a day, and its full list appears in the sidebar. (We’re not supposed to deal with paid plugins in these forums though so I’ll have to just leave it at that.)