• “The page title contains keyword / phrase, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning”

    I get this warning with almost every single post I write. I understand where it’s coming from if my focus keyword is found near the end of the title, I will get this even if the keyword is the second word of the title!

    For instance, today I wrote “What Video Games Teach About Personal Finance” keyword: video games. WordPress SEO warned me that the keyword wasn’t in the beginning of the page title. But I think that the title reads a lot better than: “Video Games: What They Teach About Personal Finance” And besides shouldn’t words two and three out of 7 counts as the beginning of the string?
    Wordpress SEO:1.4.2


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  • Thread Starter edwardra3


    That really doesn’t help. I already know that putting the keyword at the very beginning of the title will not trigger the error, but an awful lot of titles will look funny that way. For example, read my original post:

    For instance, today I wrote “What Video Games Teach About Personal Finance” keyword: video games. WordPress SEO warned me that the keyword wasn’t in the beginning of the page title. But I think that the title reads a lot better than: “Video Games: What They Teach About Personal Finance”

    Google makes a big deal about how stuff should be HUMAN readable first and formost. I’ll use proper English and logical formatting for my titles and keep thew warning before I make my titles hard to read for better SEO. I mean, that just seems common sense to me.

    My answer is yes or no …allow me to share my opinion…

    If you Google any keywords and click the SEO title, you will find out that most of the website’s SEO title doesn’t match with their article heading. The reason because they knew something. They knew Google rank by keywords.

    What is wrong with “Video Games: What They Teach About Personal Finance” how this doesn’t make sense..how this sounds illogical… Its still understandable and readable.

    What’s the point, you pay so much of money for your hosting, domain, theme and put so much hardwork for proper English and designing beautiful website when it is not been found by users.

    Did you noticed that goggle didn’t enforce us to place the keyword at the beginning in “Article Header” .. because this will not make sense..And what they are asking is to place the keyword anywhere as long as it exist in the Article Header.

    So in your case, you still can have

    SEO title “Video Games: What They Teach About Personal Finance”

    OR something like

    “Video Games have high impact in personal finance”

    OR “Video Games : Do you think it affect personal finance “

    As long it carries the meaning of your article content.

    And your Article Heading can still be “What Video Games Teach About Personal Finance”

    No one going to laugh or no user/customer going to do a comparison between SEO title and Article Header .. as a user their purpose is met by reading your article’s contents and as an owner, your article is found.

    At the end of the day, what we want is our website to be found by user and we have ranked. So we should take all the nec action to achieve that purpose besides delivering a good contents in website.

    I guess we have to find out more about this SEO optimize for SEO title… if this is important, than we should focus what they are asking

    Just my 2 cents

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