• Resolved cheddargeorge



    I have All In One WP Security installed, but whenever I try to do anything which entails it writing to .htaccess then it fails with “Could not write to the .htaccess file. Please check the file permissions.”

    However, the .htaccess permissions appear fine (even WP Security says so in the filesystem security tab), and are set to 644, and the root directory (i.e. the main WP directory in which .htaccess resides) is 755.

    This is on a CentOS server, running Apache, and the file has ownership of apache:apache (i.e. owner of apache and group of apache), which it should do.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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  • I think it is safe to say the bug(s) are in within the plugin at this point

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi, I can confirm this feature is working in my site running in my VPS server. My server runs centos v7.9.2009, PHP 8.0.x. I am also using a variety of plugins in my site without any issues.

    I just thought of sharing this.

    Kind regards.

    FYI, I am on Ubuntu 20.04 LAMP php7.4-fpm..

    not working

    Plugin Contributor Prashant Baldha


    Please make sure that the .htaccess file exists and it’s owner is the same user that is running your webserver and also make sure that .htaccess has the permission either rw-r–r-x 0645 or rw-rw-r-x 0655.

    Thread Starter cheddargeorge



    Have you even read any of the previous comments and information provided? It doesn’t seem like it.

    You have advised me us to do all of these things previously, I did them, and none of them have work. Therefore your last post probably means that you have no idea why your product does not work and you are merely repeating something technical, hoping that I we will go away and the situation doesn’t look so bad in a public forum.


    This situation looks as bad as it seems to be. Your product and probably other updraft products appear to be so buggy that you have no idea how to fix them or make them work.

    I like open source products. I hope you guys succeed. But no one likes to have their time wasted.

    So with all due respect how about you:

    a.) provide a viable solution, or

    b.) do the responsible thing, admit that your product doesn’t work / isn’t compatible on WP 6 so that others don’t their time as well.

    Bugs happen, we all expect that, but try to “man-up” a bit and simply admit the situation rather than wasting everyone’s time repeating garbage? Ask for more time and info to find a solution, not this cowardly “please go away”.

    Plugin Support vupdraft



    Could you try the following two things;

    Could you try removing your .htaccess file (please keep a copy as a backup) and then re-upload a blank .htaccess using an ftp client. Then chmod/chown if needed.

    If this does not work can you try enabling module rewrite:
    $ sudo a2enmod rewrite

    I suspect the issue is the do with the LAMP stack.

    We do test on Multiple WP version (normally at least the last two). I am currently using WP6 and I don’t get this issue so its not a WP version issue. I have also already tried to replicate this on your php version (7.4)

    We are still actively trying to find a solution to your issue, which is why we now have multi staff members involved in investigating it. Unfortunately, sometimes details get lost which is unfortunately what has happened here.

    If it helps, I am running Vmin pro.. This is my module list:

    (rewrite enabled)

    `# apache2ctl -M
    Loaded Modules:
    core_module (static)
    so_module (static)
    watchdog_module (static)
    http_module (static)
    log_config_module (static)
    logio_module (static)
    version_module (static)
    unixd_module (static)
    access_compat_module (shared)
    actions_module (shared)
    alias_module (shared)
    auth_basic_module (shared)
    auth_digest_module (shared)
    authn_core_module (shared)
    authn_file_module (shared)
    authz_core_module (shared)
    authz_host_module (shared)
    authz_user_module (shared)
    autoindex_module (shared)
    cgid_module (shared)
    dav_module (shared)
    dav_fs_module (shared)
    deflate_module (shared)
    dir_module (shared)
    env_module (shared)
    evasive20_module (shared)
    expires_module (shared)
    fcgid_module (shared)
    filter_module (shared)
    headers_module (shared)
    http2_module (shared)
    lbmethod_byrequests_module (shared)
    mime_module (shared)
    mpm_event_module (shared)
    negotiation_module (shared)
    proxy_module (shared)
    proxy_balancer_module (shared)
    proxy_connect_module (shared)
    proxy_fcgi_module (shared)
    proxy_http_module (shared)
    remoteip_module (shared)
    reqtimeout_module (shared)
    rewrite_module (shared)
    security2_module (shared)
    setenvif_module (shared)
    slotmem_shm_module (shared)
    socache_shmcb_module (shared)
    ssl_module (shared)
    status_module (shared)
    suexec_module (shared)
    unique_id_module (shared)`

    blank .htaccess created via ssh as the server owner.

    Could not write to the .htaccess file. Please check the file permissions.

    does not work. :-/

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you check that httpd is running, please see here for a guide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/managing_confined_services/chap-managing_confined_services-the_apache_http_server

    Also, on a system where SELinux is active (which is the default on CentOS) setting the normal permissions are not sufficient, you also have to make sure that the files have the correct SELinux context for the process that has to access the file.

    Your .htaccess file has the SELinux context httpd_sys_content_t, which makes it only readable to the webserver. To make it writable to the webserver you need to change that context. You can change the context with this command:

    chcon -t public_content_rw_t .htaccess`

    @vupdraft @pmbaldha @mbrsolution

    Of course, my web server is running. It would be rather hard to see your plugin dashboard without apache2 actually running…

    Not using SELinux, nor AppArmor…

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Have you tried changing the the ownership/group of the .htaccess file to web server user. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I was not clear if you had attempted this

    chown apache: .htaccess

    Already granted 777 universal permissions (universal includes apache user).. plugin did not work… 3 weeks have passed maybe the problem is not on our side.

    It seems that it is impossible for new users to configure you plugin following installation thereby making your plugin useless.

    3 weeks of the same suggested that doesn’t work..

    perhaps try something different?

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    I have installed the plugin on plain WP installs and on existing sites. When we test, we often test on new installs to avoid conflict from existing themes and plugins. The issue appears to be related to linux.
    Do you have any other plugins that write to the .htaccess, if so which ones?
    Do they function correctly?

    In this thread… you can see all of my php modules and and all of my plugins. I have tested with all plugins except your deactivated, so there isn’t a plugin conflict. And the problem isn’t “linux”… All plugins (including litespeed cache that writes to htaccess) work correctly, except yours.

    Are you finally admitting that your plugin doesn’t work for linux users…? because that’s a whole lot of users

    Forgot the thread.. whoops

    3 weeks of troubleshooting and you seem to be completely unaware as to why it is impossible for new users to configure your plugin.

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