• Resolved ayres_ryder


    I can’t install plugins either auto or manually with error “could not create directory.”

    So I’m certain that the problem I’m having now is because of something that I did because I have installed plugins successfully before.

    What I know is that I attempted to install wordpress into the root directory and at this point I have installed and uninstalled wordpress numerous times, with up to three instances loaded at the same time, and at one point I deleted the wordpress directory via ftp.

    What I have right now is a root directory which has directories Wp-admin, Wp-comntent, Wp-includes AND WordPress. Which inside the WordPress directory is another Wp-content and Wp-includes.

    Those anomalies aside, I’m brand spanking new at all this and I could use a little help.

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  • Hi,

    Please try following suggestion:

    1) Locate wp-content/upgrade directory and remove it.
    2) Recreate it and assign permission 777.


    Thread Starter ayres_ryder


    That did the trick! TYVM OMFG Now,

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