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  • What folder does the downloaded file download to during the automatic upgrade? My hosting company wants to know which folder to set to 777.

    Okay, I figured it out. Set the permissions of the wp-content folder to 777. That’s the folder where the file gets downloaded to. The script creates a temporary folder inside wp-content, then downloads and unpacks the zip file from there, then erases the temporary folder when the script is finished.

    You can try add define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’); to wp-config.php
    it works for me

    I mean add “define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);” to wp-config.php without “”.

    I’m getting closer :-/

    Added these to wp-config.php:
    define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

    Then had to set permissions 777 to [/wp-content/upgrade/] folder

    Then I can actually see a verbose response.

    Downloading update from
    Unpacking the update.
    Could not copy files.
    Installation Failed

    Almost sure that it’s all caused by my server not running PHP as my user, they run PHP as a different user, and has caused me many many problems in the past ??

    Look for “suPHP” tip above, it will probably fix your issues.

    Note to QuadraHosting service users:

    QuadraHosting Support Ticket Response

    Hi Chris,

    This is not supported on the shared servers. This is too much of a security risk.

    Brenton Cassells
    Quadra Hosting

    Anyone solve this. I am the owner of my server, and I get the same error. I have tried everything I could find. I see that it is downloading the zip file, but after it fails to copy the files, it deletes the download.

    I have no problem installing themes or plugins. I installed suphp on my server with no luck.

    I chmod-ed wp-content to 777 (it was 755) and that worked for me.

    You shouldn’t need to change permissions since wordpress is logging in as if you were logging in via FTP.

    All you need to do is rename the folder upgrade to ‘upgrade2’ and then rerun the upgrade automatically link. WP will recreate the upgrade folder and proceed.

    Well, mine works fine when using FTP on all plugin updates, but certain updateds fail when I use SFTP.

    Any thoughts?

    you might try adding the sftp port to the host name – like

    Check what your Apache user and group is that is used when executing PHP scripts. Ensure that all your WordPress files have this user and group set. No need to CHMOD to 0777. It is a security risk anyways.

    My “solution” to this problem was to rename (“mv” in linux) the

    ./wp-content/upgrade directory



    This was a suggestion on another website and it worked for me!

    I’m getting the following error and could use some help figuring it out:

    Downloading update from
    Unpacking the update.
    Verifying the unpacked files
    Installing the latest version
    Could not copy file: /path/to/wp/wp-admin/theme-install.php
    Installation Failed


    We’ve had the same problem on a couple of WP installations. Weirdly – in hope rather than anything else – we tried using auto-update through Chrome instead of Firefox. Worked on every one!

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