You are welcome Chatzopoulo. Bellow answers for your questions:
Q: 1. what is the purpose of domain under StudyPress. What can it be used for?
A: You can use domains to activate multi criteria ratings of lessons and quizzes. If no domain is defined, web site users can only rate the quality of the lesson or the quiz.
Q: 2. are there shortcodes? If yes can I have a list of the available shortcodes?
A: We have 2 short codes : [studypress_lesson id=x] and [studypress_quiz id=x] where x is the id of the lesson or the quiz. You can find more information about the integration of lessons and quizzes on posts and pages on
The next version that we will release in few days will contain another way to integrate shortcodes.
Q: 3. is it possible for a registered and logedon user to continue from where he left off last time?
A: It is an interesting feature. For the moment we have not implemented it. We will integrate it in a next version.
Q: 4. exactly which plugin do you recommend for “-Multi teachers support by integrating wordpress author user role”. Is it the “User role editor” or some other?
A: You don’t need another plugin to manage multi teachers. Our plugin can manage that. You have just to add users in wordpress and give them author role and they will have access just to what they need.
Q: 5. are there any notes or some sort of manual for this plugin?
A: The next version that we will release in few days will contain a complete help.
Best regards,
StudyPress Team.