Hi Norm,
You said a mouthful ?? Let me try to respond to it all.
I have a fairly well-trafficked website at https://churchletters.org with a large database of posts which are actually letter templates.
I ran a webpage test profile on your site since P3 isn’t working for you:
Your time to first byte (ttfb) is about 1.2 seconds. It can be improved a bit, but your page won’t be cacheable as long as you’re using php sessions. I recommend you find whatever plugin is using php sessions and find an alternative. This will make your page more cacheable and let cloudflare do its job better. You may need to use caching plugin (super cache, total cache) to help, but good caching can really make this ttfb snappy.
Your request count (117) is a bit high and the bytes in (1.9 MB) is also high. Try to lower these to < 100 and < 1MB respectively.
About 1/3 of your site isn’t hosted by you. It’s hosted by “the cloud.” All of the social media and third party links / tools / widgets / embeds you have on the site have a performance impact (dns lookup, tcp connection, possible ssl handshake) and if you can reduce the number of off-domain requests, your site will load faster. Your site isn’t too bad right now, but it’s something to keep an eye on.
Your site appears in the browser after about 3 seconds. That’s pretty good. If you want it to appear faster, I recommend combining / minifying your css/js. If you can reduce the time it takes to load those resources, it will pop up faster. You can see on your waterfall that it takes about 47 requests (most of them css/js) before your site blinks to nearly 100% above-the-fold completion in the browser.
Hope this helps!
Anyway, I have about 30-40 active plugins. I know, too many, but right now just trying to figure what I can do without.
Maybe too many. It really depends on the plugin code. You can run 200 well written plugins with no problem, or have a problem running only 1 poorly written plugin. Don’t worry too much here.
Now to the point:
Tonight I ran the profiler. It said it completed, and to click to view the report. Clicked the link, and a blank page was my result. I then tried to maneuver in my admin area, again, blank page. I then went to my website… blank pages, even though the URL address showed properly.
Blank as in white, empty, no content? Or an error like 403, 500, 503, etc? Or a message like “Page cannot be displayed” in your browser?
Called my webhost, and they could see the site fine on their end. I have a chat support service on the site, and I could see others were navigating the site just fine. Again, I tried… blank pages.
It sounds like you had profiling enabled still. Your host was visiting from a different IP and was not hitting the profiling code. They probably weren’t logged in to the admin section either, so they wouldn’t have the same experience you were having.
First thing I did was deactivate and delete P3. Then, I went back on my home network, and for sure my site came back up. Not an ISP problem after all. Evidently, it was the plugin.
P3 also has an emergency shutoff switch at https://yoursite.com/wordpress/index.php?P3_SHUTOFF=1 And/or delete the plugin via FTP. If you ever get hung up again, that is. This is all in the FAQ:
Do you know why that would be? Too many plugins to process?
Sounds like a memory limit issue. You can have a lot of plugins, and that’s not a problem, but P3 will profile your site which involves analyzing each user function call with a full backtrace. The more complex your site, the more memory this consumes. There’s a bit of a direct relationship between number of plugins and memory required in this respect. You could try raising your site’s memory limit (see your host’s documentation). If P3 isn’t a good fit for your hosting + site, you may want to research other ways to analyze your site’s performance. I can recommend tools like new relic, xdebug, and xhprof (if your host supports these) or using front end profiling like webpagetest and pingdom tools, or by hiring a consultant you trust.
Just a bit puzzled because I see all the rave reviews, but so far, I haven’t had any luck with it.
Thanks for giving it a try and for the feedback.