Could a Fallback connection do more harm than good? (422 error)
I am in a situation where SMTP server is external from a different hosting provider. I have a phpmail Fallback connection with correctly setup SPF.
It happened already that the Telegram bot informed me
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to server
The result was that the email was not sent at all (according to the log). It shows still “Failed” in the log. When I open the log items (3 entries in total that all belong to one booking on the website) I see the Mailer: PHP mail() and not SMTP.
Now I wonder what that all could mean?
- The bot tells me a connection to the main email provider (SMTP) was not possible
- The log tells me it failed (I am not sure if it really did, I cannot check) however, it shows PHP Mail and not SMTP
- Does it mean SMTP failed → Fallback to PHP → and then PHP also failed? (that would be a lot of fails)
When is the fallback connection used?
How long is it trying to send via the main connection (SMTP) until it falls back to the PHPmail connection?
Could it be harmful and maybe better to keep only one main connection so that it can re-try more often before it falls back to PHPmail?
"code": 422,
"message": "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to server",
"errors": [
"SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to server"
"fallback": "Tried to send using fallback but failed. websitename
"fallback_response": {
"code": 400,
"message": "",
"errors": []
best regards
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