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  • Thread Starter demas23


    I am following these instructions and double-checked the unicode values.

    Plugin Author mlwilkerson


    When configuring for Font Awesome Free 5.15.3, I was not able to reproduce this, but I also didn’t expect to be able to. I also was able to visit your site and saw that all.css was loading correctly, CORS and all. I also added a pseudo-element rule directly to your page content and saw that it showed the icon on the page as expected.

    This kind of problem would not have to do with how you’re declaring the pseudo-elements. The browser has tried to request those CSS files, and in the network response, it’s not finding that CORS header that it expects. That’s not something that this plugin affects one way or another, nor would it be affected by how you use it.

    However, what could do it is telling the browser to use the wrong URL. In your post there’s a “&#8217” at the end of the URLs, that I wouldn’t expect to see there. If that’s what the browser is actually requesting, then–I’m not sure what has modified those URLs and made them incorrect–but it could explain why you’re seeing this error.

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