• I’ve been using WordPress version 2.0 for a few months but am not very techie. I’ve had a corruption problem with the Kubrick theme. My side bar and links are all moved down to the right and the color is off!

    Anyone have an idea for a *simple* fix? I was just thinking of upgrading to 2.0.2 but it’s WAY beyond me.




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  • https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=https://fglaysher.com/MCRI/

    there are 6 errors there – and after looking at them, it appears that something in your header is causing the screwup…

    my advice? choose another theme…

    Thread Starter fg06


    Thanks for your response!

    Unfortunately, I did try the Pool theme and also swithced to the offer standard themes without any improvement. Same problem of sidebar stuff out of wack, and way to the bottom right.

    Is there a template, maybe, I can upload to restore the layout design?



    [email protected]

    Where is the normal background? Are you sure you haven’t messed something up in the hack?
    Possibly revert to original and make changes one at a time until you see what screwed it up.

    Thread Starter fg06



    yes, the normal background is gone for some reason. I don’t know why or how to get it back. What’s the ‘hack”?
    I was just editing a past post under Manage > Posts > Edit and then when I reloaded to view the blog it was all messed up.

    Any ideas how to correct it?




    Thread Starter fg06


    I’ve tried changing themes from the Kubrick to several others, including the WordPress Classic 1.5 by Dave Shea,
    but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. It’s overlapping the header for some reason. All the other themes have the same problem of putting the sidebar at the bottom.

    Something got corrupted. I’ve downloaded the WordPress (Version 2.0.2) and separately re-uploaded just the sidebar.php to the right folder but no improvement. My server won’t allow me to re-install version 2.0 over-top of the current installation. I’d have to delete the entire installation and THEN re-install version 2.0, re-posting, I guess, each individual file, which I did once, when I had only a few files, to deal with, several weeks ago….

    There ought to be an easier solution! Anyone know what it is….




    Thread Starter fg06


    Thanks also to ladydelaluna who used the validator then showing 6 errors. I’ve managed to reduce them to TWO. Very technical for me. Anyone know how to correct them:


    Below are the results of checking this document for XML well-formedness and validity.

    1. Error Line 284 column 10: ID “post-6” already defined.

    <h3 id=”post-6″><a title=”Permanent Link to I speak only for myself and do not

    An “id” is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

    2. Info Line 261 column 22: ID “post-6” first defined here.

    <div class=”post” id=”post-6″>



    [email protected]

    Just out of curiousity, what browser are you using? IE sometimes renders pages incorrectly even though the code is w3c validated. For example, tables may appear out of place. Other browers like firefox, safari, and opera don’t have this problem or at least not in my experience.

    I viewed your blog with firefox and opera and it seemed fine to me.

    Thread Starter fg06


    Well, the WordPress Classic 1.5 hides the problem, I guess, assuming the wrap at the top is supposed to be there, but any other theme wacks the sidebar to the bottom of the page, whether IE or Firefox. There’s some kind of weird problem. Happened when I was saving an older post.

    Thanks for your help!


    Thread Starter fg06


    Oops. I use Firefox regularly.

    Thread Starter fg06


    I switched back to the Default Kubrick so people can see the problem.

    Should I maybe delete line 260? I can’t find it in a template code. Anyone know where I’d look?


    I’m sitting here trying to figure how where the line is as well.

    It looks like you added an empty link in this thread. The page is really messed up if you view it in IE6. Not sure why it’s there but it’s within the entrytext for that post. It got added for some reason.

    It’s this line:

    <h3 id="post-6"><a title="Permanent Link to I speak only for myself and do not represent the official MCRI" rel="bookmark" href="https://fglaysher.com/MCRI/2006/03/13/i-speak-only-for-myself-and-do-not-represent-the-official-mcri/"><br />

    Note there’s nothing within the two <a> tags. I just delete it.

    It’s almost certainly something in one of your posts or the sidebar.
    Go back and look at the posts on the index in the editor one by one. You’ll find something “off” in one of them.
    I’m assuming you haven’t changed anything in the sidebar? If so, take another look at that.

    Or change it to this:

    <h3><a title="Permanent Link to I speak only for myself and do not represent the official MCRI" rel="bookmark" href="https://fglaysher.com/MCRI/2006/03/13/i-speak-only-for-myself-and-do-not-represent-the-official-mcri/">I speak only for myself and do not represent the official MCRI</a></h3>

    all that error is pointing to is that you’re using an “id” that’s already been used once, as opposed to a “class” that can be used over and over again, whereas using id’s more than once causes an invalidation error…

    do not delete or change the whole line… it’s written just fine as it is… however it’s the <h3 id="post-6"> that causes the error…

    what it appears to me is that your index.php file is calling the post id more than once… can you possibly go to https://www.pastebin.com, paste in the code for your index.php file, and then post the link here? (i’m just not familiar with the theme you’re using, and my brain is leading me to believe something, but i don’t want to say for sure until i can look at the file)

    Thread Starter fg06


    Thanks ladydelaluna and everyone!

    Hope I did this right:

    I don’t know how that error got in there and am not sure where to go in the Admin to find it and change it, if it’s the problem!


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